Grow Your Associations By Participating In Nationwide Community Initiative

Heads of Chambers and Associations are constantly struggling to answer the same questions. How do we stand out from all the others? What draws a professional to join our organization? Do we offer them something unique that sets us apart? And probably most important of all, how do we increase our membership?

Media Authority Marketing is a Los Angeles-based public relations and marketing firm that helps clients around the country leverage the latest marketing and media platforms to grow their business. The company, led by President Lisa Williams, recently announced a new initiative designed specifically for Chambers and Associations.

Williams and her team are inviting local Chambers and Associations to collaborate with them to sponsor a school in their community and help them by providing a mobile app. Associations and members can benefit greatly and receive maximum media exposure by participating in this community initiative.

Why should a Chamber or Association encourage their business members to sponsor a school? Because, now more than ever, schools need help getting important information disseminated to parents, and it will bring media exposure and community goodwill to your association.  Schools need a mobile app with the recent passing of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) to help get ongoing information to parents and students.

What is Common Core? It is an educational initiative in the United States that seeks to establish consistent educational standards across the states as well as ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to enter two- or four-year college programs or enter the workforce. The rigorous curriculum demands that parents be informed and involved. The roll out for the state of California begins this school year. By sponsoring a school members and associations will be positioned as people who care and want to support their community.

Common Core has been somewhat controversial, so parents will need to be educated on relevant facts versus negative or incorrect opinions. This communication will have to be constant in order to help parents understand the changes in approach and philosophy that schools are making and the benefits to their children.

Derrick Meador, well known education writer for has been quoted as saying, “Community members including merchants, businesses, and tax paying citizens will be affected by the Common Core Standards. A community fully invested in education will reap rewards. That investment may come through donating time, money, or services, but communities that value and support education will thrive economically.”

Partnering with Media Authority Marketing, is investing in the community. The CCSS is a nationwide education initiative and attaching a Chamber or Association to the support of schools can set an organization apart. A large number of business owners are needed to help because there are so many schools that need mobile apps.  Chamber and Association members are always looking for ways to grow their business, gain ROI and create effective marketing strategies that are cost effective.

Lisa Williams, President of Media Authority Marketing has said that the need for businesses to step in and support schools is high. Partnering with the community initiative “could be one of the best public relation moves they could make.” By doing this, Chambers and Associations are supporting schools, parents and their own business.

When local businesses partner with Williams and purchase a sponsorship package they gain a new and valuable way to market to parents, students, school faculty, and other members of the community by advertising directly on the school’s mobile app. This is public relations in its finest. And as Bill Gates said, “If I was down to my last dollar, I would spend it on public relations.”

Williams developed this innovative program to create massive value for a business by utilizing new technology to gain new customers and as a way to give small businesses access to a media campaign that most would not ordinarily get.  Businesses that partner will have the ability to market to the parents of the school via the mobile app and will get advertising through the app. The way this sponsorship works is a business purchases a sponsorship package from Media Authority Marketing, a local school receives a mobile app, and the business receives an opportunity to market to new customers by advertising on the schools’ app.  The business also receives a free PR campaign. The association and the business gets media exposure, the business receives advertising on the app and the school gets a much needed technology for their school at no cost to them.

By sponsoring a school, businesses assist in providing schools with the benefits a mobile app offers. These include a linked newsletters, increased attendance in meetings, assemblies, and sporting events, absentee forms, the ability to schedule meetings with teachers, send messages for unexpected changes, and provide a reminder of special days. The greatest benefit is providing schools with is the ability to send unlimited push messages, increase engagement, communication and build a bridge between parents, students, and faculty.

Any Association whose members participate in the mobile app sponsorship initiative will receive a complimentary media campaign from Media Authority Marketing. “We are willing to offer free publicity to those businesses and organizations that step up and sponsor a school to help in this initiative,” Williams said.

Chambers, Associations and local businesses that are interested in helping can contact Media Authority Marketing at (866) 386-2636 or email

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