Business Innovators Radio host Alicia Dibrell welcomed Indiana-based small business coach Debby Canarini in a recently broadcasted episode of her popular radio show. During this interview, Debby discussed her highly effective techniques of helping small businesses achieve their full potential while maintaining the perfect work-life balance.
The mother of four grown children, Debby Canarini has been engaged in coaching for sixteen years. Very early in her career, Debby realized that most of the small businesses around the world need a business coach to remain focused on their goals and achieve them. Her extensive knowledge and effective team building ideas have worked wonders for many small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Most of today’s business owners opt for independent business as their career to stay away from the heavy demands of a corporate job. However, Debby feels that many of these entrepreneurs end up creating a ‘job’ for themselves and get stuck in their own day-to-day rat race without any flexibility and freedom. Through her coaching techniques, Debby helps them strike the much needed work-life balance and start living life to the fullest.
During the discussion, Debby mentioned that hiring a personal or business coach often becomes a requirement for an overburdened business owner. “Not everyone knows how to make themselves happy. Sometimes you get frustrated and feel like ‘this isn’t working’. I’m not happy, I live paycheck to paycheck, I hate my job, whatever it may be. A coach can help them get to the root of how they got there and then enlighten them so that they can learn some new skills and new techniques so they can break out of this and move on,” she said.
When asked about what sets her apart as a business coach, Debby mentioned emotional congruency as one of her main strengths. Many people don’t understand their own emotions and how these emotions can affect your life and business. Learning to understand and control these can help prevent situations where small things become large emotional disasters. Creating a proper financial mindset for her clients is another important aspect of Debby’s coaching technique. She believes that negative thought patterns related to money can affect a person’s financial success. She also teaches her clients how to make more time for themselves and design a life that truly makes them happy.
Talking about the most common misconception about business and personal coaching, Debby said, “Some people think they only need a few pointers or some stress relief to make things better. That’s still not going to get you to your long-term goal because the mindset that brought you here is not the mindset that can take you away from here.”
Debby Canarini works with clients via one-hour long telephone coaching sessions four times a month. Each session starts with celebrating your wins, reviewing what you were supposed to be working on from the last session, and what issues have come up in the past week. They then work together to understand what caused these issues and how to resolve them. Three attainable goals are then set up for the client to work on in the coming week so they are always moving forward.
Several other key points related to business coaching were also discussed during this interview. If you want to learn how business coaching can help you achieve rapid success go to for a free session.