It’s well-known that oil and gas and chemical facilities – given the types of fuels and refined materials that they produce – are inherently dangerous. While the energy industry remains on the forefront of new and emerging technologies to maximize production and operational efficiencies, many of the process safety systems supporting those innovations are antiquated and unreliable – as evidenced by major incidents such as the Texas City Chemical explosion, and the Deepwater Horizon spill.
A longtime energy industry services provider, Mangan Inc, through its subsidiary Mangan Software Solutions (MSS), is helping bridge the gap between safety and technology in Process Safety Management with its new ProSys SLM software platform. Leveraging 30 years of industry knowledge and experience in safety, risk, and change management, MSS is helping organizations modernize and automate Safety Lifecycle Management at facilities around the world.
Hailed as “transcendent” in a recent Control Engineering Magazine article and also featured in their “Innovations from the Industry” standout section, MSS’ ProSys SLM is the industry’s only complete Safety Lifecycle Management solution. Previously, it was common for safety managers and plant engineers to maintain libraries of fragmented process safety data spread across a multitude of software tools, each addressing a fraction of the safety lifecycle. Spreadsheets bridged the gap between software systems in what amounted to inefficient, and ultimately expensive, manual processes. Realizing the industry desperately needed a holistic approach, MSS created the first software solution that handles all process safety functions fluidly and comprehensively in a user-friendly, web-based platform, offering facility management a turn-key solution to process safety.
As MSS Chief Technical Officer Jeremy Lucas further explains, “With ProSys SLM, organizations now have a single source of truth for their safety instrumented systems. Finally, the industry has a proven solution that not only guides companies through the Safety Lifecycle, but helps reduce the data management workload. It’s software designed by engineers, for engineers.”
Facility managers at a client currently using the ProSys SLM suite at several sites used the product to validate the performance of safety systems and avoid costly and unnecessary upgrades during plant turnarounds. The incorporation of ProSys SLM resulted in a cost savings of over $16 million at one site. Critical to the development of ProSys SLM was MSS’ ability and overall goal to bring to market a modular software solution built upon industry best practices and regulatory standards, but with the flexibility to incorporate site-specific needs. This resulted in a system that is fully customizable, allowing integration into existing plant operations and IT functionality.
Control Engineering Magazine touted ProSys SLM’s adaptability, noting that “for the software to reach across all engineering and business silos, MSS focused on three principles.” First, the software needed to have an intuitive and easy-to-use interface. Secondly, it required innovative key performance indicators to visually report risk and conformance for plant management and safety operators. Finally, plant-ready workflows were required to automate common engineering, operations, and maintenance functions to guarantee accurate and efficient safety lifecycle data capture.
“Above all, this level of monitoring and risk information reporting keeps employees and plants safe and on-track, and keeps managers informed of smoothly-running operations. ProSys SLM is a cutting edge product that brings much-needed software innovation to the crucial area of process safety” said Jeremy Lucas. MSS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mangan, Inc. that leverages technology and software services to standardize and automate business processes for the energy industry. Based out of Houston and Atlanta, MSS’ engineers and programmers are experts in the fields of Safety Lifecycle Management and Safety Instrumented Systems, and deploy their industry best practice flagship ProSys SLM software suite to industries that require reliable high-performance automation solutions. For further information, visit: http://www.ProSysSLM.com.