Dorothy Jones, Owner of Release, Relax, Rejuvenate Receives Certification as a Regional Joy Coach® Through Joy Coaching America® – Academy.

Dorothy Jones, owner of Release, Relax, Rejuvenate Receives Certification as a
Regional Joy Coach® through Joy Coaching America® – Academy.

Dorothy Jones has completed the REGIONAL JOY COACHING® AMERICA -ACADEMY Program. As a Certified Joy Coach® (Relaxation Therapist and Grief Coach), Dorothy had her own first-hand experience in releasing stress and sorrow.

As the owner of Release, Relax, Rejuvenate, Dorothy’s goal is to help clients regain peace, joy and relaxation by using several therapies. In addition to being a Certified Regional Joy Coach®, Dorothy is also a Certified Emotion Code and Foot Zone practitioner and a Health & Wellness Advocate for Doterra Essential Oils.

Dorothy’s desire is to be a life-long learner discovering natural ways to improve ones’ health and emotional well-being. Although Dorothy’s original quest was to help family members, she stated: “I found that I needed these tools myself to turn my own deep pressed emotions into Joy and connect to a Higher Power.”

Joy Coaching America® is a process that uses all five senses to help one connect to their emotions and/or “Higher Power.” In each module, Jones states: “we learn how to use The Healer’s Touch Method ™, Karyn Lynn Grant’s original inspirational songs, essential oils and blends plus inspiring stories (journals) from Karyn’s own struggles and her “down-loads” from heaven that helped her and, in turn, can also help us.”

Dorothy shared: “With my first Joy Coaching® session, I felt a sense of peace and comfort as Karyn Lynn Grant’s music and nurturing compassionate touch helped to release my emotional burdens. I was so impressed, that I wanted to help others feel the same way!”

Continuing, when Dorothy was asked how she came up with the name of her business and why, she replied: “As I pondered on a name for my busines, three words kept coming to my mind that I wanted my clients to experience: Release, Relax, Rejuvenate!

  • Release emotions that are holding you back. Identify what the emotion is and the age it occurred.
  • Relax your body, mind and spirit by letting go of limiting beliefs. The music and essential oil help replace those limiting thoughts with new experiences by journaling about what is wanted.
  • Rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit. They will be refreshed with a new desire to move forward. There is a sense of freedom when trapped emotions are set free and feelings of peace and renewal occurs.

The world needs love and understanding now more than ever. People have been isolated “quarantined” from normal interaction with peers and/or with family members and that is producing perhaps additional stressors and problems. Research has revealed that almost 50% of adults are experiencing depression from the recent events.

Being a Joy Coach® has taught me how to share my compassion and desire to help each person through their own journey, and to those who are open, take them to a place of deep relaxation by use of the five senses. 

In my practice, as a Joy Coach® or Relaxation Therapist, I offer emotional support to comfort a broken heart, release grief, anxiety and sadness by gently changing deep emotions into JOY! By creating a nurturing peaceful environment and using the five senses, positive memories are recreated and connection with their Divine mission and purpose is manifested.

It is never too late to release emotions that are holding you back. I am here to help you discover and release them so you can have a life of joy and fulfillment.”

Dorothy will be teaching The Joyful Living Series Level 1 and 2 via Zoom and in person in Arizona.

Release, Relax, Rejuvenate
Dorothy Jones
Phone: 602-318-8679

Carol A Santella

Carol A Santella is a Right Hand Advisor, Positioning and Credibility Consultant to Business Professionals; is a Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, Strategist and Publisher. Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; is world renowned for her Program of Acknowledgment and Recognition of those who stand out above the rest, and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network TM which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.