Dale Tyson, Motivational Speaker, Author, CEO of LYL Business Development was presented the Outstanding Speaker Award at the YOU: Mission Critical at Space Center NASA on January 31st, 2017 by event leader and host T. Allen Hanes, of The Authority Syndicate Group.
Tyson was one of 17 hand-picked speakers who are on a mission to help others succeed in mindset, finances, overcoming fear, media, and publishing, social media, and public speaking.
Dale is the author of Work Yourself Out of a Job and provides various ways for people to accomplish their goal.
The goal can be starting or improving your business, can be personal or career, or can be helping your clients with their goal. Accountable Partner Services provides an easy to use the online system and personal assistance designed to help people and can be licensed by Leaders to help their business and their clients.
The results from a University of Scranton study found only 8% of people accomplished their New Year’s Resolution. Why is this so incredibly low and what is holding you back from your goal?
“Accountability is the rubber on the road getting you to your goal” – Dale Tyson
“Accountability is the glue that holds commitment to results” – Bob Proctor
To find out more about Dale go here.
To connect on Facebook go here.
T. Allen Hanes
T. Allen Hanes is a #1 Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Co-founder of the Crypto Business Forum New York and host of The Authority Syndicate Radio Show and T. Allen Hanes radio show on the Business Innovators Radio Network and WCKG Chicago. Contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine, Thrive Global, Medium.com, and Huffington Post covering Influencers, Innovators in Business, Health, Finance, Marketing, and Personal Development.