Clarence Fisher is a 10-year veteran on-air personality, having worked for Perry Broadcasting as well as on-air personality and program director for Clear Channel Communications. He speaks to businesses and organizations across the country about digital marketing and how to effectively use the technology of the Internet to reach their target audience and their goals.
Clarence believes, “What I see with entrepreneurs and business owners, the reason you got into business was to provide a better life for you and your family and then further beyond that, make an impact on your community, your state, your region, your country, in the world, right? That’s what drives us.”
During an interview on Amazing Women And Men Of Power Talk Radio, host Raven Blair Glover asked: “What are some of the biggest misconceptions or fears that business owners face?” Clarence explained about two big obstacles many business owners face: marketing costs and lack of time. He shares, “A big obstacle that business owners have is: “I can’t afford to market.” Only looking at marketing in terms of costs, instead of understanding the investment of marketing dollars. Good marketing, effective marketing, marketing that works for you, doesn’t cost you anything. You are investing in it. You’re figuring out what works and what doesn’t. The biggest issue we run into is people quit too soon instead of figuring out what the numbers are.”
“Another fear business owners have is: “It takes too much time.” Or they don’t even get started because they don’t have enough time. And you know, the answer to that is if you don’t get started, you’re going to end up with a lot of time that you don’t really want. How we work with that is we break it down into what I call slight rights, just slight. If there’s a lot of pushback, then let’s just start small. How small can we start? How small can you start without even calling someone? Like you can call someone like me and get some advice and then you don’t have to hire that person or use that agency. If you have to start by yourself, start doing something, anything, just start. And once you do that, the fear of the unknown disappears because when you take that first step, you understand at least that one step. And then the next one is a little less scary.” says Clarence.
When asked about the winning “R 4” strategy he employs that focuses on maximizing a company’s online reputation, Clarence talked about his 4 part approach, Reputation, Reach, Repeat sales, and Referrals. “Your reputation is the foundation that everything is built on, and we give business owners some actual actionable items they can do to start building their reputation. I think it’s really important, especially if you’re in a local market, to write down the top 10 frequently asked questions that you get asked about your product or service and record a one, two, or three-minute quick video answering those questions. You then distribute those online to YouTube, Facebook, etc. But even more powerful is something I learned from Mike Kanicks, what he called SAQ, “Should Ask Questions.”
These are questions that customers should be asking. They just don’t know to ask. So we started encouraging business owners to write down their “Should Ask Questions.” We found a great way to implement this was the “frequently asked questions.” These are questions people would ask anyway, so you’ve answered the questions in a short YouTube video. Maybe the customer googles their question, and your YouTube video pops up. They watch that and they think “okay, that’s great, that’s a pretty good answer.” And while looking at your YouTube channel, they see one of your “should ask questions” video. And when you watch a couple of those, then the viewer is like, “Oh wow, that’s great. I didn’t even think of that.” And so now you’ve drawn them in and you’ve begun to build your reputation of authority in your market.”
The interview concluded with Clarence saying “Do not be afraid to make mistakes, fail forward, fail fast, and, and the quicker you began, the more enjoyable this life is going to be. Don’t wait.”
To listen to the full interview on the Amazing Women and Men of Power Radio, click here.
To learn more about Clarence Fisher, visit http://www.Facebook.com/TulsaInternetMarketing.