Change Architect Caroline Samne Launches New Online Course on How to Manage Through Change, one of the internet’s leading online learning platforms, is please to publish Caroline Samne’s latest course, “How to Manage Through Change”, which is one of the few courses on Udemy that addresses how people can personally cope with major change initiatives they can face every day.

In Caroline Samne’s latest course, she discusses why people fear and resist change and introduces tools so they can create their own action plan to not only cope with the change but to thrive from it.

“Life is filled with changes and yet as human beings we often resist and/or fear change. Although change is how we evolve and grow, we often suffer through the phases of a transition that we experience.”, Caroline explains. “Changes occur in business in the form of a merger, acquisition, a new boss or a new process. What is often overlooked in the corporate world is the people aspect of the change. Are they on board? How are they resisting this change? In people’s personal lives, change takes on many forms such as a change in residence, marital status or the loss of a loved one. How are they coping with this change? Do they understand what is happening and how it will affect them?”

Caroline adds, “Harvard Business Review reported that 75% of change initiatives fail in business. Why is that? It is important to also invest in the employees because they are the ones that will make this business change initiative a success. Regardless if the change is of a personal or professional nature, people need to understand the three phases of the transition in a change situation, how it will affect them and they need the tools that are easy to work with to develop their action plan so they can cope and thrive through this period of turbulence”

Caroline Samne holds a BA in Psychology and a Master’s in Human Systems Intervention. She has been facilitating and leading change initiatives since 1991 and is an active member of the part time faculty at Concordia University in Montreal. She is a principal at The Pillars, a leading Montreal consulting firm specializing in organizational development, change management, executive coaching and communications and human relations.

To learn more about Caroline Samne and The Pillars, visit

The new course, “How to Manage Through Change,” is available on Udemy at