Latest Stories in "In The News"

Wiberg Wisconsin Goalkeeper School – Developing Quality Goalkeepers Since 2004

Eric Wiberg started out being an assistant coach for his daughter’s soccer team. While coaching his daughter’s team, he coached his first goalkeeper. What started out as a parent helping support his daughter’s soccer team grew into a hobby training goalkeepers, and then morphed into the Wiberg Wisconsin Goalkeeper School. It all started with one […]

Spine Associates Beaumont Participating In 2nd Annual Healthy Families Festival

Spine Associates of Beaumont leads the international surgical community in adult and pediatric spinal care. World Renowned Spine Surgeon, Dr. Richard Francis has dedicated his practice to treating patients with all types of spine disorders. Since meeting several residents with back pain last year during the 1st Gulfcoast Health Fair, Spine Associates has consulted with, […]

June Cline, CSP, The “Southern, Sassy & Savvy Harley Riding Humorist,” Creator Of “The ROI Of LOL” Teaches Teams How To Turn Wit Into Wealth

For 23 years, Certified Speaking Professional, June Cline has been entertaining and training people, teams and companies across the United States and Canada. She shares what she affectionately calls IMO’s (pronounced “I” “Moe’s”), Idiot Moments, of herself and others—moments shared by many in the working-world. Cline is author of three books including one of her […]

Alan Schill Offers Personal Injury Law Firms New Digital Marketing Services To Help Attract The Most Desirable Cases

Alan Schill is quickly establishing himself as the premier internet marketing authority by offering digital marketing services to personal injury law firms and delivering unprecedented amounts of leads. Recognizing that simply having a website is no longer enough, Schill uses his search engine optimization skills to help personal injury law firms establish the online authority […]

Inspirational Author Carole Sacino Reaches Amazon Best Seller Status

Carole Sacino, author, speaker, coach and founder of Turning Point Institute, recently achieved the rank of Amazon Best Seller with her new book, “Build Your A-Game: Be Seen – Be Heard – Be Remembered.” The book was released on April 11, 2014 by SDP Publishing, LLC – a leader in publishing solutions. Sacino’s “Build Your […]

Dr. Chase Bennet, San Diego Sleep Apnea Dentist, Says May Is Sleep Better Month

Dr. Chase Bennet of the TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of San Diego wants everyone to sleep well this month and every month. “We know there is no greater contribution to adult’s and children’s general health and well-being than the right amount of truly restful and restorative sleep,” says Dr. Bennett. “Sleeping well is the […]

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