Latest Stories in "Culture & Society"

Fruit of the Spirit Series: Love

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always […]

True friends: the importance of your circle of influence

Friendships are so special that a holiday was created to celebrate them. Galentine’s Day is celebrated on February 13th each year to honor female friendships. This holiday started from a sitcom episode in 2010, but because loving, supportive female friendships are so valuable, it stuck. It is easy to provide research from the Mayo Clinic […]

Why no one sleeps and what to do about it

Sleep is a mystery. Sometimes it’s an easy, thoughtless process and other times it’s like trying to find a tiny piece of eggshell in a completely mixed cake batter. I’ve often thought about the mystery of sleep while rocking and coaxing (sometimes pleading) my now 11-month old to sleep. As an adult, it’s still a […]

Are You a Safe Space for Your Kids?

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. As a parent, this one speaks volumes to me. Parents are the kissers-of-boo-boos, the protectors-from-scary-monsters, and the ones who make everything better, so help us God. But… I also want to be the one my child runs to when she’s 10 and struggling to figure out her […]

With All Creation I Sing

Last year, along with tens of thousands of other Americans, my husband and I purchased a camper. It had always been a retirement dream, but the lockdown of 2020 increased our sense of urgency to find some peace and solace in the woods. We found our used trailer in June of 2020 and since then […]

Leaving the Nest: One mom vs. One Child’s Perspective

Leaving the Nest: One Mom’s perspective  Leaving the nest. This term has a significantly different connotation for me as a parent then it did when I was a young adult. At 18, I knew it all. Certainly, more than my parents did. So much, that as soon as I was 18, I jumped right out […]

How Adoption Changed Our Lives

My husband and I got married right out of high school when we were both 18. We had been married about a year when some friends of ours, close to the same age and who had been married six months, started the process to be foster parents for three kids in their church who needed […]

What is love?

I knew the moment was coming soon. –I had awaited hopefully, but not necessarily patiently, the day the love of my life would propose, so of course it makes sense for me to be thinking about the question “what is love?” Instead of relying on a world full of people influencing and telling you what […]

The Stigma of Mental Health in the Workplace

Organizations need to consider mental health and its stigma as part of their post-pandemic return to the workplace. As companies sent everyone home, many faced extreme loneliness, fear, and anxiety.  Now that some organizations are bringing people back to onsite work arrangements, new emotional concerns arise. A true successful ‘return to office’ plan should include […]

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