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As a broker for the past 13 years, principal investor Lanisha Stubbs finds it hard to believe that the real estate industry is still male-dominated. She often finds herself wondering: Where are my fellow ladies?
It is for this reason that she took it upon herself to found a Los Angeles-based investor’s club for women in real estate (WIRE). The members of the club look for good deals within the marketplace together and invest together. “I show them how to invest with little to no money of their own by using private equity seller financing,” Stubbs shares. “I also introduce them to savvy techniques that male investors use on a regular basis that they may not have been exposed to so they can start to build wealth for themselves and for their families.”
Stubbs has been in the industry for a long time. She has watched and studied closely what men are doing to become successful. What she has found is that, for the most part, women are not implementing the same marketing strategies as men; therefore, they are not receiving the same results. “Being a woman, I know that we operate and run businesses different than men,” Stubbs says. “And that’s fine. We don’t have to operate the way they do, but we can implement some of the success principles that they have implemented.”
Along with the investor’s club, Stubbs also manages her own real estate group called Wesity, Inc. And even though she already has several agents on her team, she is always open to mentoring and coaching others to develop their own companies—an effort that she calls ‘making CEOs.’ “When you join my company, you’re not necessarily joining my mission,” Stubbs explains. “I’m really helping you create and develop your own mission of becoming your own CEO and being a woman who owns her own business and her own team. My main goal is to enable other women to have a seat at the table, to be involved in the conversation and to be a part of the investing journey. I’m also paying it forward to others who are new to the real estate industry and are interested in building their portfolio of real estate.”
Wesity, Inc., Stubbs’s real estate firm is located in Inglewood, CA, a city that is said to become the next downtown LA. The city of Inglewood is on a fast path of growth thanks to a Hollywood Park development and Stubbs in the center of the opportunity.
Stubbs was born and raised in Inglewood, California. As a result, she knows the marketplace very well and strives to support local homeowners and the growing commercial industry through her real estate investments. “People need to be educated about what they have and how to use what they have to build more wealth throughout their community as opposed to selling it off to people who are outside of the community,” says Stubbs.
She is also a member of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB)—the oldest minority trade association in America—because Stubbs not only has a heart to help women achieve wealth through real estate, but she also has a heart to build African American wealth and African American homeownership.
This fall, Stubbs lends her expertise to the compilation book, Wealth for Women: Conversations with the Team that Creates the Dream – the Top Female Professionals Who Can Help You Get Wealthy in Real Estate. Wealth for Women is led by Monick Paul Halm, founder of Real Estate Investor Goddesses, and features a collaboration of interviews with real estate syndicators and ancillaries who share insights in their specific area of expertise. The book is published by Smart Hustle Publishing, LP, and is scheduled to be released on Amazon.com in the Fall of 2018.
For more information about Lanisha Stubbs, please visit www.wesityinc.com.
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