Bringing Success Through Social Media, Angela Brooks Is Making It Happen

Despite being a working nurse and a busy mom, Angela Brooks founded The Business Incubator ( to help business professionals harness the power of social media, blogging and even, their smart phone. Her own search for a business coach to help her breathe life into her struggling second business gave her the inspiration she needed to move in to that line of work herself. Overworked as a nurse, Brooks wanted to break out on her own and develop a more reliable income from her second business. As she navigated the Internet from her smartphone and tablet, she realized that she had the power to grow her own business at her fingertips.

“I teach people how to share their story using social media, blog and smartphone, all while I live my life on the go,” Brooks says. Brooks’ clients are treated to her straight-shooting, honest and upfront coaching style that includes her willingness to share everything she knows to help her clients succeed. “I over-give the content for them to learn,” she says of her approach. “I don’t hide the good stuff.”

Brooks’ willingness to share her own personal story of struggle is what helps many clients decide to hire her and employ her strategies. Her experience of having “been there” encourages her clients to commit to taking control over their business, learn new skills, and put those skills in action online and off. Over the past two years, Brooks says that her business has increased substantially and so, too,  has her acclaim. “I have gone from making $1000 a month to $8000 a month. My team has grown from 800 to 2600,” she reports. “And my social media numbers have gone from 2500 likes to 18,000 on Facebook alone.” Along with more clients, Brooks has also gained prestige in her industry, having been invited to speak at business training seminars, interviewed by multiple publications, and even participating in the Mutual of Omaha “Aha Moment” Tour.

After Brooks met with client Lisa Birnessor to discuss the importance of maintaining a blog, Birnessor was sure to update her blog regularly. To Birnessor’s credit, she was recently rewarded with a publishing contract, but she says she owes part of that success to Brooks, who encouraged her to “keep writing” even if she didn’t “feel like writing.” It was the emphasis Brooks placed on diligence that ultimately paid off for Birnessor.

While she enjoys her own personal success, Brooks also credits seeing her clients succeed as one the driving factors in her professional life. Her ability to gently push clients out of their comfort zones toward continued financial and professional success is what keeps bringing clients to her, but it’s what those clients achieve that keeps her going. “I love to hear people’s stories, where they came from and where they are wanting to go,” she says. “When I get an email or a phone call and someone tells me about a goal they hit because of something I shared with them, it is an overwhelming and wonderful feeling to know that I am changing people’s life directions by sharing what I love doing.”

You can learn more about Angela Brooks and The Business Incubator at: