Brian Livesay, the Retirement Guardian in San Diego, CA says, “Everybody loves a sale. Black Friday is the busiest shopping day of the year. People will shop all day and night when they think they are getting great deals.”
However, this is not the case with the stock market. Livesay says, “The market has a correction every few years and people panic. They get freaked out that stocks are on sale. Stock prices haven’t been at these prices in years but people won’t buy, they actually sell, creating further decline in prices. No one rejoices at getting great deals.”
These are not once a year deals, but deals that only come around every few years. People were happier buying high. The market always goes back up and investing is a long-term commitment. People should look forward to these buying opportunities.
The old slogan “Buy Low, Sell High” seems so easy to remember but is always forgotten during a market correction. Everyone panics, especially the news media, reinforcing the market decline by spreading fear. Maybe the media just wants to create better deals, but the average investor does not seem to get that stock sales are a good thing for their future returns. Getting more today at the same price you paid yesterday should not be seen as a bad thing. This is the time to buy.
Putting your money in the market is a long term commitment. Putting money in at low points gets the investor a greater return in the long run. Also if you don’t panic and sell at these low points in the market nothing is lost. That is why planning is important and realizing your time horizons is critical. A young investor should be putting money in regularly and being happy when the market is down since they will be getting more bang for their buck. Older investors should have multiple accounts since they will need to take income and do not want to have to sell during a market correction. Having a separate account where the principle is protected from a market downturn will ease the pain of a correction since the investor will not be forced to sell at a low point in the market. Age is also a factor, but everyone should take advantage of a sale.
For more information visit Brian Ray Livesay – The San Diego Retirement Guardian Who Is Page at: http://whois.sandiegoprofessionaljournal.com/brian-livesay-retirement-guardian/ in the San Diego Professional Journal.
Brian Ray Livesay – The Retirement Guardian
You may contact him at his office:
Livesay Capital Solutions Inc.
1761 Hotel Circle S. Ste 360
San Diego, CA 92108
Call him at (866) 726-0725 / (619) 281-8377
Or visit his website at: http://www.retireestaxgroup.com.