Brand Expert Ron Netanel Helps Businesses Succeed Using The Scientific Power Of Branding

“Branding is not about luck,” said brand expert Ron Netanel. Ron’s firm IDealogic® Brand Lab guarantees results for every client, every time, using their proprietary Brand Science℠. When asked how he and his team discovered this science, Ron answered that it was over a period of about fifteen years. While working for many companies, all those years of testing and measuring led Ron and his team to understand the difference between what is effective, what is not effective, and why there is a difference. If a concept failed to succeed, they would research the why and then use those results for improvement.

“We found our most successful and award-winning work had a common denominator: it appealed to the human element and exhibited characteristics that define social conformity. It all came down to the fact that people make decisions based on emotions, interests, and necessity. 100% of the time, people – with varying quirks and idiosyncrasies – are the customer and audience; so it’s important to understand who we are,” he said.

After compiling all of the information gathered over that time period, coupled with the proprietary systems they developed for the IDealogic® brand, an exciting truth surfaced. The team found they had actually developed a scientific method that works for branding all types of companies. “We call this specific way of achieving results our Brand Method℠,” said Ron.

Understanding neurological influences that cause people act and to feel part of a group are two important factors that IDealogic® uses to successfully brand companies, build their company culture, and create bonds with their audience. At IDealogic®, doing this is called Brand to Human®. IDealogic’s® Brand Science℠ really is a science, said Ron, and it works. And once business owners understand how to factor in money, growth, committed employees, and a loyal following of customers, Ron believes their chances for success becomes exponential.

When asked what problems most business leaders face when branding their company, Ron responded that many leaders just don’t know how to tap into the full potential of their brand experience. He explained that branding must happen on every level of the business, especially where it engages people. “It’s more than visual communications,” said Ron. “Branding revolves around the soul of the company; the operations; the team; the promise; and the journey of the customer before, during, and after the sales cycle– and all of that is defined by the company’s culture.”

When businesses fail, stated Ron, it’s often because leadership has tried to implement their vision without first putting into place an established brand strategy. Upon their implementation, most ideas are not cohesive; consequently, their desired results are not achieved. A second problem many entrepreneurs face is a tendency to overlook the importance of company morale, or culture. “Culture affects loyalty, performance, productivity, and efficiency,” he explained, “not to mention, employees are the people that speak to your customers – they are basically the face of your brand.”

Ron went on to say that when these two problems are compounded, it’s difficult for leaders’ visions to become successful realities. Without synchronicity, many companies don’t survive for very long; when everything is unstructured and disjointed, businesses crumble. However, Ron has a solution. IDealogic’s® Brand Method℠ assists leaders in creating systems to facilitate their ideas, build positive company culture, and correctly define and implement a brand strategy. Doing so results in an immediate increase in sales and also impacts the entire lifecycle of the customer, which leads to loyal, long-term customer relationships.

“Business is complicated, and so is brand development,” said Ron, “but if you know the right questions to ask, the right places to look, and the right systems to build, the two will come together as beautifully as a flawlessly choreographed ballet. There is no magic behind what we do; but our Brand Science℠ can certainly make it look that way!”

IDealogic® assists in building the right brand formula around the vision of the founder, explained Ron. The Brand Science℠ process also helps company leaders see their true audience in ways they’ve missed. He went on to say that this results in growth by revenue, promotable brand reputation, and a following of loyal advocates.

One last piece of advice for business owners, said Ron, is “First, be true to your story. Second, have pride in your vision. Third, define your purpose. Fourth, build your brand around your ideal customers. Do so, and your brand will become iconic.”

Ron Netanel is a devoted family man and proud father of two boys and one “princess.” He enjoys spending time with his wife of twelve years, teaching the kids how to cook, and making gourmet meals with their help. He is very passionate about his work in helping businesses become successful. Through IDealogic®, Ron’s vision is to lead clients to surpass their idea of success and help them reach significance. IDealogic’s® mission is to empower companies and people in order to be the catalysts that invoke a movement of change. He believes that the purpose of his work is to help brands reach significance in order to better humanity; and he looks forward to work each day and the opportunities it brings to achieve that purpose.

To learn more about IDealogic® Brand Lab, and how Ron Netanel can help your business grow using Brand Science℠ strategies, visit or contact Ron directly at (281) 578-2223.