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When you have achieved success in your spectrum then why not expand your horizons? That is exactly what Black Rian Consulting, a mediator firm between a Jobseeker and Employers has decided to do. Suzanne O’Brien is proud to announce that they have expanded and opened a new location in Newport Beach, California. Currently, Blake Rian Consulting is Head Quartered in Bellevue, Washington State and is excited to be venturing into California.
Blake Rian Consulting is neither new nor a small, the firm’s CEO Suzanne O’ Brien has been associated with the staffing field or over 13 years. Blake Rian Consulting provides an efficient, effective and enjoyable experience to jobseekers and employers. As a Women-owned Company partnering with clients in all industries Nationwide, Suzanne O’Brien’s job is to understand the needs of the employers and job seekers to help bring together the perfect match in expertise, skill and company culture fit. Her main goal is to help her target audience break the barriers and fears of starting their businesses and having it all with the motive of showing everyone that you can use technology and adapt to the changing business market without sacrificing long term client partnerships.
When it comes to their firm and its services, Blake Rian Consulting offers unparalleled hiring services to place the right people with the right companies. Over the period of 13 years, they have provided an efficient, effective and enjoyable experience to job-seekers and their employers. They are stacked with 13 years of experience partnering with clients in all industries nationwide. According to their motto, they don’t tend to focus on the job-seekers resume or their qualifications rather they are concerned with his or her ability and skills, they say;
“We know that a resume is important, but it’s also just a blueprint of someone’s experience”.
What Makes Blake Rian Consulting different? Well, they mean business. With up-to-date knowledge on the job market, they will help you stay in the know. One of the biggest challenges they hear from clients is that recruiters do not understand our business. They are subject matter experts and their process is transparent and easy to understand. They really learn your business and what success looks like in your next hire. Blake Rian Consulting partners with you to ensure it is not about putting someone in the seat, but about finding the right fit.
Blake Rian Consulting has had great success in Washington state and its expansion into California would mean only one thing, jobs, and quality. With such a proven track record in Staffing services, they have everything that’s required to support the market in Newport Beach Ca. and with Veterans like Suzanne, you cannot go wrong!
Contact Information:
Phone: (206) 948-0614
Email: suzanne@blakerianconsulting.com
Website: https://www.blakerianconsulting.com/
LinkedIn: https://pk.linkedin.com/company/blake-rian-consulting
Tera Jenkins
Tera Jenkins is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance, and Personal Development.