Benny Valenzuela, Author And Founder Of Instant Author Status, Turns Service Providers Into Authors

Benny Valenzuela, Amazon best-selling author and founder of Instant Author Status, helps service providers and experts become authors without having to write a book themselves.

“Too many experts and service providers are struggling right now,” said Valenzuela. “As economic recovery is shaky and slow, one of the best ways to attract the best clients for business owners is to stand out in their markets with the help of author status. Also, most new authors find that their books are the highest return on investment marketing strategy they have ever used.”

“The Millionaire Maker” Dan Kennedy, the highest-paid direct response marketing consultant and copywriter in the country, echoes Valenzuela’s statements on the importance of author status.

“Being able to add the title of author increases your perceived worth, which means you can charge more and lower or even eliminate resistance to price,” says Kennedy. “A book is the perfect way to position yourself as the expert and leader of your target market.”

Instant Author Status offers done-for-you authorship. The service provider, coach, or consultant never needs to write a single word to become an author.

The Instant Author System used by Mr. Valenzuela is a proven process. Mr. Valenzuela’s company has delivered this service for business owners in many different industries.

“Benny Valenzuela’s process helped me get my done very, very quickly. I had been thinking about writing a book for years, and Benny helped me do it in just under two months! I have gotten an incredible return on investment thanks to Benny, and his process was very easy to follow. I recommend others to work with him all the time.” – Joe Siecinski, Joski International

To find out how to become an author without having to write a single word, visit