In what appears to be an “odd-couple” match-up, world distance runner, Stan Cottrell, and baby product brand, “Booty Goo,” are teaming up to help orphans. Cottrell, a seasoned veteran of world business and travel, has traversed over 200,000 miles on foot through 39 countries in his career, the equivalent of 8 times around the globe, hardly a home body. So at first blush, it seems strange that an internationally focused, 71-year-old runner would align with a domestic diaper rash ointment brand, Booty Goo.
Is it strange? “Not at all,” insists Cottrell. His mission with the upcoming Great Global Friendship Run is not only to spread cross-cultural understanding, friendship and hope, but also to raise visibility and funds for critical needs at orphanages throughout the world. That’s where Booty Goo comes in.
Booty Goo’s manufacturer, innovative skin ointment company, Skin Sake (http://skinsake.com) in Hamburg, AR, shares Cottrell’s heart and passion for orphans and disadvantaged children, and is doing something about it. In addition to treating rashes of many kinds on children of any age with Booty Goo… not just on baby’s booty… Skin Sake will be contributing significantly to the global run’s mission. It also seeks to help prevent blisters on Cottrell’s feet as he runs worldwide. So it’s a natural hook-up.
Skin Sake’s chairman, Jeff Foote, is a compounding pharmacist who, since 1970, has been seeking the most effective, 100% natural ingredients to ‘Rid the Rash’ and protect the skin of infants and toddlers, athletes, the elderly, anyone. With his son and co-founder, Bain Foote, he founded Skin Sake to help people in all age groups, and committed to charitable giving from the outset.
Now Skin Sake will be putting a percent of all Booty Goo profits into a fund to be given out where Stan Cottrell runs, based on needs assessments as he runs. These contributions to orphans will continue for as long as there is Booty Goo. Additionally, the company will be giving some tangible product to help the children.
As for Cottrell, concern for orphans is not new. He reflects: “My early background in rural Kentucky made me very aware of people with meager means and oppressed people. I will never forget elementary school when one of my classmates’ father was killed. His mama had to put the kids in an orphans’ home, and something really seared in my soul… the plight of orphans.” Over decades, running around the world, Cottrell saw the incredible burdens of children without parents, and horrors of what happened to so many of them. “Some orphanages around the world are no better than a dog pen.”
The poor will always be with us, but does that mean we do nothing about it? Or get overwhelmed by it? Cottrell insists each person can do something, and the impact of that something can be felt around the world – just as Skin Sake’s giving will have worldwide impact. “The worst thing that happens, the crying shame, is when people do nothing… and it’s a crying shame when babies go to bed crying with a raw bottom.”
From his runs, Cottrell has innumerable stories of little rooms crowded with babies crying their eyes out, diapers soiled, bottoms red with diaper rash, even though harried workers are running as hard as they can. “I care about orphans. I care about their little diaper-rashed bottoms. Studies prove the babies need a comforting touch and hug for healthy development (it’s called ‘marasmus‘); more workers and funds are needed. Yeah, I’m concerned as I run.”
Booty Goo’s protection and soothing treatment can play a contributing role in not only the health and comfort of these little ones, but in the child’s psycho-social development that is so critical at this tender age. Crying at night due to diaper rash doesn’t have to happen, Cottrell insists. “We’re declaring war. We want to do everything we can to create a healthy, nurturing environment for these orphans, and Booty Goo has a prominent place.”
So does the Booty Goo – Stan Cottrell global run alliance match up? Cottrell’s Friendship Sports Association charity, sponsor of his friendship runs, applies three major measuring sticks:
- Is the product or service appropriate for friendship and orphans?
- Is its theme consistent with Stan’s running?
- Is the company’s ethos consistent with Friendship Sports’ “mindstyle” and mission?
With a resounding yes, Cottrell asserts that Friendship Sports and Skin Sake / Booty Goo have forged a mutually beneficial relationship that will have a powerful impact on orphans, bringing comfort for children of all ages. “So long as there’s a child in an orphanage who goes to sleep crying for lack of love and attention, I will run and run and run…”
For more about the Power of Cottrell’s Friendship Runs, see: https://smallbusinesstrendsetters.com/ultra-distance-runner-stan-cottrell-reveals-power-of-friendship-runs/.