Does the new advertising feature recently introduced by Facebook change the way advertisers will reach consumers in the future? Facebook (FB) certainly seems to think so. Their new source of ‘big data’ not only helps advertisers reach laser focused audiences, but also provides more control over the kind of ads consumers will see.
A Facebook spokesperson recently revealed, “When we ask people about our ads, one of the top things they tell us is that they want to see ads that are more relevant to their interests. Today, we learn about your interests primarily from the things you do on Facebook, such as Pages you like. Starting soon in the US, we will also include information from some of the websites and apps you use. This is a type of interest-based advertising, and many companies already do this.”
“As a business owner myself, I love it when technology is used to drive advertising costs down and conversions up, and in my opinion, this is exactly what this recent Facebook development is on track to do,” quoted Authority Marketing Guy, Stewart A. Alexander. The question is however, how does this benefit business owners? How can they use this recent change to their advantage, and ow can it be combined with authority marketing strategies?
Think of it this way, explains Alexander. Business owners interested in reaching industry related verticals can do so via Facebook ad campaigns. Target audiences can be diverted via ad clicks to fact driven press releases announcing problem solving content on blogs, websites and social media platforms.
Business owners can certainly benefit by using this simple method to send visitors to their problem solving content. And maybe that’s the partly the motivation behind Facebook’s recent announcement. They are providing business owners the ability to lead consumers to their online content where they can choose whether to continue receiving advertising messages or not.
Positioning a business in front of the right audience, with the right message at the right time is one of the pillars of authority marketing. In other words, systematically, purposefully, and with every intention to create, publish and distribute high quality, knowledge based content that solves a specific target audiences’ problems. Regardless of what vertical, there’s an audience that can be reached using FB ads. Business owners would be wise to allocate quality time to familiarize themselves with their advertising platform and run test campaigns of their own.
Alexander continues, “Keep in mind, ads must speak to prospects interests, pains and desires. Careful thought should go into where the click is taking them. Avoid sending them to, “Me too, I’m the best thing since sliced bread” content. Instead, focus on sending them to content that’s educational, informative and at best, problem solving and leverage well-known news media platforms as credible distribution channels.
Perception is everything in the first stages of a business to consumer relationship. Being the best doesn’t necessarily equate to being the most successful. Facebook’s new advertising features may just be the resource savvy business owners embrace and use to build and establish their authority in an already overcrowded “me too” marketplace. Those that do stand the best chance of being chosen by a target audience inundated with multiple vendor choices.
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