Ask Dr. Skip Introduces Alternatives To IVF In Dallas Fort Worth And Clients Feel Happy

Having children is one of the most basic parts of life especially for women yet many women today even with modern medicine experience the pain of failed attempts to conceive. Modern Western medicine offers procedures such as IVF or In Vitro Fertilization.  Often women feel they have no alternative to IVF and are not presented with any alternatives.

International training and experience.

Patrick “Dr. Skip” Hart, M.S., D. M. (P.) is a Board Certified, Diplomate in Naturopathic Medicine, N.B.E.N.Q.A., Board Certified, Diplomate, Pastoral Medical Sciences, Pastoral Medical Association with Specialization in Infertility, Endometriosis, Pelvic Pain, PCOS & Hormonal Balance. He has traveled, practiced and studied in many countries worldwide often taking care of the less fortunate in countries such as Mexico and India.  He has over 15 years of international medical experience.

It is only natural, so natural so let’s help nature do what’s natural

Conceiving and giving birth is one of the most natural things in life. If this is so very natural then why would women have difficulty maybe because something is interfering with nature? Something is blocking the natural process.

A place for everything and everything in its place

When conception is viewed from that point of view then the first step is to see if all a woman’s reproductive organs are positioned naturally. If the reproductive organs are constricted, adhered or otherwise out position there may be pain and difficulty conceiving similar to constricting a hose and then noticing no water is flowing.

Releasing adhesions, blockages and interference with nature…

Unfortunately many women having pelvic pain and/or difficulty conceiving may have constrictions and adhesions that are interfering, blocking and possibly preventing a woman from conceiving a child.

Having a child is so much a part of a most all women’s lives that if there are problems the impact is physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. It is common for depression to set in.  What could be more depressing than missing out on the joy of having children? Hopelessness can become obsession and desperation.

I feel good…

One of the most common things that people say about Dr. Skip is “I feel really good when I see him. There is something about him that makes me feel good.”

Dr. Skip is compassionate, happy and empathetic by nature. He can’t help himself. He saw in his travels how much suffering women, their husbands and families had when bearing children was not happening. Dr. Skip’s holistic training and background made him qualified to look for alternatives IVF and ways to help those using IVF have more success. IVF has a 40% to 11% chance of success mostly based on age.

He came across Mercier Therapy and after seeing and for himself the success women we experiencing he decided to become certified to offer Mercier Therapy to his patients and clients.

The Mercier Therapy Mission Statement

Mercier Therapy provides a safe, gentle, and naturally minded pelvic visceral manipulative technique for women facing fertility challenges, experiencing pelvic pain, recovering from gynecologic surgery, and having undergone traumatic birthing experiences. Our goal is to serve women of all ages—from teens to those going through menopause—who are searching for a more natural approach to a multitude of pelvic issues. Our practices started when we saw that this type of therapy is lacking today. We want to be the first to offer such a unique healing experience. The ultimate intention of Mercier Therapy is to help women navigate their way through infertility and pelvic pain so they can see tangible results. We want to provide a solution that makes sense.

It makes sense…

Dr. Skip himself has been happily surprised by what he has seen with his Mercier Therapy clients.  He has seen 71% of those coming with problems conceiving, conceiving a child.  He has seen women with many years of pelvic pain and discomfort being relieved of pain naturally.  He has heard, “I feel really good, really happy and would you like to see my baby.”

For more information Ask Dr. Skip.

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