“Countless surveys show women climb the corporate ladder slower and earn less money than men; however, it’s not always about the money, if you know want you want,” says executive leadership development expert, Karlyn D. Henderson, M.A., Managing Partner of Poimena Consulting, LLC, an Atlanta based firm.
Launching a new seminar, ‘I Own Your Power,’ Henderson teaches and encourages women leaders and managers to ask for what they want in every aspect of their lives. The content-rich seminar focuses on key strategies including owning your authentic power, optimizing opportunities to ask for what you want, and watching out for the power zappers.
With the announcement of Mary Barra becoming the first female CEO of General Motors, there’s much talk about her salary being less than her predecessor. “Some women don’t measure success by the size of their paycheck. Conversely, it’s important for women to first discover what it is they want when seeking a promotion, acquiring a new client, or pursuing a goal,” explains Karlyn. “Second, it’s just as important to know that you can ask for more than you think is possible. I coach my clients the practical, achievable strategies from nice-to-have to I-can-have-it-and-more.”
Sheryl Sandberg, author of Lean In and COO of Facebook, was quoted: “I wish I could just go tell all the young women I work with, all these fabulous women, ‘Believe in yourself and negotiate for yourself. Own your own success,’” echoes Henderson’s belief that women must ask for what they want.
Owning your authentic power is not about “exerting force over another”, that’s abuse. It is about women leaders and managers taking responsibility to go after what they want. More so, owning your authentic power is about overcoming power zappers like self-sabotaging thoughts: “I don’t have enough education”, “I need more experience”, “they may not accept my ideas”, or “maybe they’ll notice me if I work harder”.
When women exercise the principles of “I Own My Power”, they become confident, effective leaders who define success on their terms. Sequentially, the by-product of the principles is women leaders and managers are empowered to increase personal effectiveness and productivity, improve their influence skills to promote trust and respect, and engage their team into successful collaboration.
“Karlyn is an intelligent and motivated individual. She is more than capable of consulting leaders to develop their skills,” shares Natalie A. Elliott, M.A., Therapist, Atlanta Counseling and Sex Therapy Institute.
Companies wanting to enhance the skills of their women leaders and managers in a shared learning experience can bring the ‘I Own My Power’ seminar onsite. Additionally, individuals can enroll in the next scheduled seminar.
Learn more at http://Poimena.com.