Arizona Performance Coach For Professional Women, Irene Lebedies, Helps Women Entrepreneurs ACCESS Success

Arizona Performance and Business Coach, Dr. Irene Lebedies, coaches women during career transitions, women entrepreneurs and business executives to new levels of success. When Dr. Irene Lebedies walks into a room with a smile on her face, she automatically portrays the confidence that she helps teach other women to find in themselves in order to reach for and achieve their businesses goals. In her coaching practice she uses a system called ACCESS, with the word being an acronym. “A” stands for Accountability, “C” for Commitment, “C” for Confidence, “E” for Emotional Intelligence, “S” for Synergy and the last “S” for Sustainability.

She introduces her coaching program for women business owners with a free session. This session explores the tools, worldview and needs of women transitioning into the business world or making a career change. Dr. Lebedies focuses on building up the confidence that women entrepreneurs need for success. “Women need to know that they are powerful people,” she says, “Gaining confidence in themselves and what they have to offer the world is key.”

Dr. Lebedies explains her passion for business coaching comes from being able to give back. “My gift is modeling a joyful way of living. I believe joy is the journey and it all depends on you. Bad things can happen in your life, but they can be turned around into a joyful life. How a person takes life on helps build confidence. Coaching is often as much about personal life as it is about business, we work on the building blocks to confidence, how you deal with the world.” Dr. Lebedies sees that once her clients master their own confidence in themselves as women, the pieces fall into place for success in their business.

Her clients complete the program for business coaching and then are initiated into a woman’s circle where they can find on-going support from Dr. Lebedies and other women entrepreneurs. The women meet and share experiences, lessons and problems with each other in a nurturing group environment and here they can also receive ongoing follow-up coaching. Dr. Lebedies explains, “All the women break bread together” and this is the foundation of the powerful support that the group finds in each other.

Client Sandra Cesta says to women considering hiring a business coach, “What’s holding you back? Don’t know or think you do? I highly recommend Irene Lebedies who works with you to peel away the barriers to find the core truths and then helps you set them free.”

For more information about business coaching and Dr. Irene Lebedies visit her LinkedIn at: