Today a small business’ on-line presence is the cornerstone of their marketing plan.
Unfortunately, that concept of ‘an on-line presence’ has grown to almost overwhelming proportions. It now includes not only the company’s website, but also its reputation on sites like “Yelp” and “LinkedIn”, it’s position in the Google search results, the correctness of it information in the major on-line directories, and a complete information in Google Maps, social media like Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Instagram just to name a few.
That said, business, no matter how big or small, must utilize the internet; it is how they are found.
Bill Gates said “Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one with the talking about the other.”
Roy Hildestad, a career IT and online consultant to Fortune 500 companies, recognized the need and agrees and said “Many small businesses become overwhelmed and confused by the many services need but the fact is they must be use them or risk dying out.”
Realizing that each small business needs the same wide variety of technical and marketing experts that a big business uses, Roy became a sort of “Hi Tech General Contractor”, helping businesses navigate the online marketing and advertising area. Small businesses need those experts in each field to return high value jobs quickly.
Having a go-between, who understands both the technical speak and the business needs has become even more important to make sure that businesses spend money on the right solution at the right time. Even experienced IT businesses may know everything there is to know about mainframes, servers, and managing computers but when asked about Websites, they have no clue.
Mytechcare.com found this the case and when they tried to refer to other webs developers they found only a small part of what was needed was understood. This is where a knowledgeable tech speak online consultant can be a real help. Roy Hildestad, of Small Biz Web Advisors, set out to change this by providing and becoming that go-between for Small business owners and the countless online service providers and consultants needed to get a full marketing program running. An unbiased consultant a business could trust.
Roy says “Small businesses need help conveying what their true goals are, what they really needed for their business vs. all the many services, consultants, programs and technical jargon. They need someone that understands all the technology and business so they can coordinate what is truly needed and make sure it is done correctly and at an industry fair investment. I’ve become sort of the general contractor of the online marketing industry.”
The internet and social media are ever changing and growing. It is interwoven in our society and in business so that it seems there is no stopping the need for knowledgeable consultants to help businesses use and get the most out of the internet and online marketing.
For more information on Roy Hildestad contact him at: contact@smallbizwebadvisors.com
or 805-886-7262