Alan Porter, CEO of Strategic Wealth Strategies, presented as a featured speaker at the presitgious Business Expert Forum held at the Harvard Faculty Club Cambridge, MA.
On July 28th – 30th 2017 thought leaders from around the world gathered at Harvard Faculty Club for the Business Expert Forum.
Porter is on a mission to defend his clients from the enemy, excessive taxes and wealth killing financial strategies. In this regard, he is praised and appreciated by his clients for being on their side. The audience was spell bound as though they were about to do a reconnaissance mission. He exclaimed, “I have crossed over into the terrain of the wealthy and powerful, and I guide clients on how to use legal obscure financial strategies. I broke the insider’s financial code and I’m out to share the secrets the wealthy and the financial institutions use to protect, retain and increase wealth. I want each to become their personal bank to pay themselves instead of the banks.”
Porter went on to say, “How would you like to sell your business and pay little to NO taxes on it? How would you like a financial vehicle that is guaranteed by contract to never have a loss due to a market downturn How about a financial vehicle that will give you a tax deduction going in, it grows tax-free, and your distributions are tax-free? And protects you from lawsuits, liens, and judgments? IT doesn’t GET ANY BETTER!”
To view the entire presentation go here. Business Expert Forum
To find out more about Alan and how he can help you go here.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strategicwealthstrategies/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iamalanporter
T. Allen Hanes
T. Allen Hanes is a #1 Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Co-founder of the Crypto Business Forum New York and host of The Authority Syndicate Radio Show and T. Allen Hanes radio show on the Business Innovators Radio Network and WCKG Chicago. Contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine, Thrive Global, Medium.com, and Huffington Post covering Influencers, Innovators in Business, Health, Finance, Marketing, and Personal Development.