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Will the Real Michael Laidler Please Stand Up?
Michael Laidler currently offers his services as a business coach who specializes in developing the leadership potential of his clients. Laidler’s leadership coaching expertise has been sharpened by years of academic study along with plenty of practical experience where the rubber-hits-the road. Laidler’s combination of practical experience and academic insights make for a winning combination when he offers his mentoring services.
Laidler’s academic and leadership training began while he was an undergraduate student at Florida State University studying both Spanish and Business. In a recent interview with Incite Media, Laidler had this to say, “While attending Florida State University, I became a police officer, and that began my leadership journey where I started learning about the realities of holding positions where I would be held accountable for the actions and conduct of other people by working as a field training officer. While I was a field training officer I worked multiple shifts with many different people and learned a lot for a 19-year-old kid who was barely out of high school”. Laidler’s time working as a field training officer was an early baptism by fire which provided him with a superb well of leadership knowledge to draw-from later in life.
After graduating from Florida State, Laidler’s career involved working in a position of leadership as a border patrol agent in Laredo, Texas and a later leadership position as a lieutenant with the Federal Bureau of Prisons in Louisiana. While working at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Laidler earned a master’s degree in business and became a certified trainer, coach, and speaker affiliated with the John Maxwell Team.
Service to Others is the Highest Form of Work
Concerning his entry into the world of business coaching, Laidler notes, ” After becoming a business coach, I finally discovered that hole in my soul that needed to be filled, while also discovering a way to fill this void in my soul that I previously did not even know I had“.
When recently asked what types of people seek his services, Laidler noted, “ I look for clients who have missed the necessary leadership development they needed in order to take both themselves and their organization to the next level”.
No Magic Bullets
When analyzing the most common problem his clients face, Laidler remarked, “I have discovered that it’s very common for people to want more leadership duties; however, still find themselves limited in their advancement because they feel that they just lack either the time or the money they need to improve their leadership skills”.
When asked about the first steps he takes when working with a client, Laidler has this to say, “One of my roles as a business coach is to tell my clients that there’s always time to work on yourself and grow towards your own goals. I also make a point of telling my clients that there’s always more to learn and there’s always more space to flourish”. When asked about what specific actions he takes when coaching a client, Laidler notes, “Typically, when I meet a perspective client, I’ll begin the coaching process by asking them this question, “What is your six-month plan for personal growth?”
Michael A. Laidler
Business Name: Michael Laidler, LLC
Website: www.michaelalaidler.com
Email address: Michael@michaelalaidler.com
Phone number: 850-339-0409
Facebook: www.facebook.com/michaellaidlerleadership
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michaellaidler
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaellaidler/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Mh7L4myJ6KuEvCzTrvjrw
Alicia Dibrell
Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.