With baby boomer executives not having post retirement plans, William Holt of WilliamHolt.com, LLC announces The Holt Coaching Method certification program to teach highly leveraged coaching skills to baby boomers to enrich, educate, entertain and motivate the next generations of execs.
Only 11% of Baby Boomers plan to retire! They represent decades of hard won wisdom so William Holt, lead baby boomer and master coach, invented The Holt Coaching Method to combine basic coaching skills and tools to pass on their expertise quickly and deeply.
Many Boomers want to have the leisure of retirement and luxury of a lucrative part time profession based on their present knowledge. They just need the vehicle that HCM has designed for them to work 10 plus hours from any Internet connection and be well and deservedly rewarded.
American Icon Dick Van Dyke said, “I’ve been talking about retiring for years. It’s my standard answer to the question, ‘What are your future plans?’ The truth is, I’ll always want to do things that are worthwhile or fun.”
American financier, stock investor, philanthropist, statesman, and political consultant Bernard Baruch also said, “Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can’t retire his experience. He must use it.”
Oprah Winfrey said it another way, “It’s never too late to live your own dream.”
Holt mentions, “The beauty of all my professional systems, skills and tools is that they can also be used personally.”
Holt goes on to say, “Stress is our modern day competitive, red-ocean hamster wheel that erodes our productivity, increases dis-ease and shortens our lifespan. It lurks in the background requiring more energy to accomplish each task. My coaching program teaches three tools and skills that will reduce light stress and even heavy stress “at will.” Reducing stress increases your work output by 30% to 70% per day.”
Finally he states, “Communication is not taught and we want to speak before we have a complete picture as to how another sees a situation and even more important how you regard them fundamentally. The Holt Coaching Method turns all that around with a 5-Step powerful technique called BASIC.”
The Secret to accelerating the learning process with Baby Boomers by at least a factor of 2 is in helping them connect with whatever they hold dear and what difference they want to make in this rich Second Act of their existence.
Here’s what some of Holt’s clients have to say about his program:
“Through the Holt Coaching method I went from Director of Sales to CEO in a large multinational company.” – Roxane DeFreitas
“William’s contribution to the business and the board was a most valuable one, making a significant difference in our performance results. His involvement was the success factor in many key situations.” – Pablo Garrido, Regional Chairman Unilever
“I invited William to develop a coaching program for the team. The tools that he developed taught the coaching pairs to think, listen, act and behave differently to produce their results — Dr. Elizabeth Jolley, Vice President, British Petroleum
The Holt Coaching Method has been developing over the last twenty years as William has learned, designed and delivered successful coaching programs. He combines the best of the sciences of motivational, sports and emotional psychology with his experience in advanced rapport, strategic and dramatic quick-change techniques.
The Holt Coaching Method will be available to Baby Boomers who are ready to become Expert Coaches in 8 to 12 weeks, on May 1, 2014 at: www.WilliamHolt.com.