Vivian Lewis Combines Networking and Painting to Bring Out Greatness, Power and Beauty

Vivian Lewis came from an extensive career in the Financial Services Industry but when it came to an end, due to re-organization, she decided to take her experiences and skills as a Trainer, Client Relationship Consultant, Business Event Expert and her love for Art into a new venture, a distinctive mobile paint & sip studio.

She started painting at Painting with a Twist and Pinot’s Pallette, both our emerging new franchises, Vivian wanted to work part-time at one of their studios as a local artist or own a franchise.  She could see how much fun the painters had interacting with each other while painting.  She researched the Paint & Sip industry for options for a new venture.  Through her research, she noticed that most were brick & mortar type businesses touting a fun evening out like date nights but only a few incorporated a mobile aspect.  Although a fun and social experience is the natural outcome of a paint session, Vivian wanted a business with a mission of awakening the greatness, power and beauty in all individuals, through art.  She also wanted  to partner with local restaurants to bring in traffic when business was slow during the weekday.

Vivian went on to say, “After researching the paint & sip industry, I saw it was fairly new to the market and also how I had to pull, pry or pay for information about the industry. I looked and asked for books on how to open a paint & sip studio, nothing. I found all sorts of books on other industries.  I had an innate need to want to make it in the industry so eventually I could help others who want to enter into the “new land”.  My “blue sky” is to openly share my findings and hardships in starting and growing a paint & sip business with those who also have a mission to awaken souls through art.”

These painting sessions can help you grow your business.

By allowing people to create, through art.  It is known that art is a way for individuals to use both the left & right side of the brain (all the brain).  When individuals use all sides, through fun in painting, they can literally see how they have the power to create, thus instills greatness & beauty within.  If your business is all about good relationships, productivity & healthier self, then your team would benefit by having an art session.

When asked what is your prospects biggest or most common problem?  Vivian went on to say;

“The #1 most common question that I’m asked is, how do you help those who say “I can’t draw a straight line”? That’s the thing about art, it doesn’t have to be a straight line. 

The runner-up in the most common questions is, how do you help those who say “I’m terrible at painting, I can’t even draw a stick figure?”  My painting sessions are guided with step-by-step instructions and easy to follow – A grown-up version of “Simon Says”.  This approach helps novices to turn their fear of the result into a soulful rendition of the pre-selected painting, in approximately 2 hours.  Think about it, God said, be child-like (not childish), so when a 3-year old child paints a dog, the child has fully accepted his ability to create a dog and marvels at the outcome. Bottom-line, when we appreciate the effort it took to create our own rendition of the stick figure, we shift into the acceptance of who we are as individuals.”

Vivian believes in community and that it is vital to our souls. She makes it a point to schedule quality time with her church family, and her own family, the elderly, dear friends and volleyball buddies.  Vivian has found a huge support system in the world outside of Corporate America.

Vivian stated,  “I’m intrigued, fascinated, grateful and admire the community of Professionals who desire to help small businesses.  I hope I’m somehow participating & contributing to the support system. The one thing that someone must consider to successfully improve their life is their God-given gift to create. Whether it’s creating a “masterpiece”, creating a clear vision or creating a better way of life, one must internalize their ability to create.”

To find out more about Vivian Lewis and My Picqasso and to schedule an event go here or call 281-651-1485.