And he has never forgotten what got him there: the kindness of strangers.
101 Ways to Thank A Veteran: A How-To Guide for Honoring Our Country’s Most Valuable Resources, Our Veterans will be released on June 1 and tells Roman’s own story of redemption while offering practical and inspiring tips for supporting veterans.
“Too often we think we’re powerless to help someone who is suffering, but hope comes from simply knowing someone cares. Small gestures can truly change someone’s life, or even save it,” said Roman. “Every day 22 vets take their own lives. What if we each took 22 seconds out of our day each day to reflect on how we could help turn that around.”
His passion was hard-earned. After serving for eight years in in the United States Marine Corps, Roman’s return to civilian life was anything but smooth. As a disabled Gulf War veteran struggling with PTSD, he fought through substance abuse and depression – with the help of people he had never met.
His book highlights some of the good deeds he experienced that he says made him feel like his “time in the service meant something.” Examples include receiving cards and meals on holidays. In turn, he now hosts Thanksgiving dinners for veterans and delivers cards to VA hospitals to pay it forward. Roman also shares ideas based on his volunteer activities as a veteran ambassador who helps fellow-vets to register for benefits and access services; and resulting from his presentations to schools and other organizations about how to best help vets.
“Veterans deserve the best our country has to offer in terms of medical care and opportunities for employment and education along with a decent standard of living,” Roman expressed. “Almost as important, they need to know they matter and are appreciated. We can all play a role in accomplishing that and this book teaches readers how to do it year-round – not just on Veterans Day and Memorial Day.”
Robert J. Moore, international best-selling author of From Rock Bottom to Success and The Better Way Formula – Principles for Success, and founder of Magnetic Entrepreneur Inc. wrote the foreword to the book. 101 Ways to Thank A Veteran is available beginning June 1 for download at for $2.99. 100% of the proceeds from book sales go to support Emilio’s favorite Veteran Charities.
For more information about the author, go to or @VETSRadio on Facebook and Instagram.
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