Through the static of marketing concepts, the term positioning comes up from time to time. While some understand the term, others remain in the dark. Positioning is a marketing concept that outlines what a business should do to market its product or service.
This is typically created through the use of promotion, price, place and product. Positioning relates to strategy, in the specific or tactical development phases of carrying out an objective to achieve a specific goal. The concept of authority positioning is no different, the goal is to provide instant proof that one person or business is an authority in their marketplace. Strategies that have been used to gain this authority position include interviews, media appearances, and other publications. Authority positioning simply means that a person is seen as an expert in their marketplace.
Authority Marketing Expert, Tavis Bucklin says, “Authority marketing is a tool that allows entrepreneurs to leverage their knowledge, positioning them as an expert.” By showcasing one’s expertise through media outlets, a position of authority and trust can be developed. Making sure your online profiles are at their best demonstrating who you are, what you do, and how you are different is an important part of positioning yourself.
Having photos that look professional will project a positive image and will make a difference in the impression you give. Professional business connections and clients will often perform a Google search for your name before they meet you or do business with you. Your digital profiles, along with any other content they might find in such a search, is a reflection of who you are in the business world.
Being quoted in articles, becoming a guest on radio shows and podcasts or making TV appearances are ways to amplify your message and build authority. Taking the proper steps to position yourself can go a long way in converting your prospects. “Every business, including yours, has many people that look at your offers daily and choose not to do business with you. By moving to an authority position, those people will choose you,” Bucklin adds.
His statement is echoed by Marketing Expert Frank Kern who said, “Positioning, most importantly positioning yourself as an authority, is the single most important thing you can do to increase your perceived value to the marketplace.” During a recent marketing event, Kern explained, “Everyone…everyone in this room should immediately begin the process of creating their own personal brand.” It seems increasing your perceived value and positioning yourself as an authority can have benefits which impact every part of the sales cycle.