TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres International proudly welcomes Atlanta, Georgia dentists, Dr. Aaron Larsen and Dr. Bruce Fink. With the opening of their TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre of Atlanta, scheduled for the summer of 2015, Drs. Larsen and Fink join the rapidly growing family of dedicated and like-minded professionals who comprise the now 27 Centres spanning the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and England.
Both Dr. Larsen and Dr. Fink have completed extensive continuing education and advanced training in the areas of craniofacial pain, temporomandibular dysfunction, sleep breathing disorders, and dental sleep medicine. Their pursuit of knowledge, and their passion to help patients exemplifies the elite group of TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centre dental physicians who are working together to improve the lives of patients around the world.
About TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres International
Founded by Dr. Steven Olmos, TMJ Sleep Therapy Centres International is the leader in treatments for the conditions of craniofacial pain and sleep breathing disorders including sleep apnea and snoring. Dedicated exclusively to these conditions, the philosophy behind the Centres is consistent with the scientific literature that documents the co-existence of sleep disordered breathing and TMJ disorders. The Centre doctors recognize that jaw problems are often only a symptom secondary to a greater problem affecting the body much like a fever is secondary to the common flu. They understand that in the absence of an acute injury to the head or face, the primary cause of jaw problems is frequently an unidentified sleep breathing issue like Sleep Apnea. TMJ & Sleep Therapy Centres believe proper diagnosis and emphasis on origin rather than symptoms is the key to successful treatment.
One of the common symptoms that may be linked to TMJ disorders includes headaches and migraines. Pain in the face, neck and jaw are also experienced often in patients with TMJ syndrome. In addition to pain in the jaw, people with this disorder may only be able to open their jaw a limited amount. The jaw may also lock in the open or closed position. A clicking or popping sound from the jaw area may also be noticeable. The jaw may also simply feel tight or tired. Problems relating to the ears can also be associated with TMJ disorders. Patients may notice congestion in the ears or a feeling of stuffiness. Ear problems can also be linked to balance problems and a feeling of dizziness.
For more information, visit: http://tmjtherapycentre.com/sandiego/.