Sports teams finally have a way to get a mobile app for their program for free and create a revenue stream through a partnership program Media Authority Marketing, a PR company is spearheading. With the help of this PR company and a local business, youth sports programs are able to get a free mobile app that will help them communicate quicker and more effectively with parents, recruit more kids to sign up, and even generate revenue for the team.
“It’s the new sponsorship model,” says Lisa Williams, of Media Authority Marketing. There are many benefits for a sports program to have a mobile app. More efficient communication is the most noticeable benefit, but it’s really just the tip of the iceberg. Any youth sports teams, [and many are struggling with economic pressures], can take advantage of this program and can have their own mobile app.
By partnering with community-minded businesses, the development of the app is covered, so there is no cost to the team and Media Authority Marketing navigates this partnership. “We incentivize the businesses by providing a free marketing and PR campaign to alert the community of the generosity of the business, so the business is motivated to pay for the app, and they can actually generate new business from being a sponsor,” Williams explains.
This is the same concept teams have relied on in years past, where they get local businesses to sponsor their team and then the sponsorship money is used towards uniforms that then have the business’ name on it. The difficulty with the old way was, businesses weren’t seeming an increase in business. Now in 2014 so many businesses are struggling just to get by, that as much as they might want to help a local non-profit, they simply cannot afford to without it having the potential to generate new business.
A mobile app sponsorship with Media Authority Marketing is the new sponsorship model for the 21st century. Through this new program, businesses now have an added incentive besides goodwill. They will be getting their name out directly to the community they do business in, with a much more advanced and efficient way other than just a name on a uniform. Everyone has a smartphone or mobile tablet with them at all times these days. Being featured on an app and prospects seeing a business’ brand with a link to their website is a huge incentive to local businesses and receiving a free PR campaign is the icing on the cake.
Williams company also provides a free PR campaign to the sports team. “The media exposure is invaluable for both entities. The team and business will be interviewed and featured in an article that will be published and syndicated to multiple media outlets,” says Williams.
Once the team has the mobile app, it will allow them to send unlimited messages to their players and parents as well as provide GPS directions, a way to keep player stats and updates. The ability to communicate with families instantly is invaluable to a sports team and is a tool that every team needs.
With a mobile app, teams now have a vehicle to communicate to their families about practice time changes, and other important information like reminders about the team potluck, or the playoff schedule. Teams can also streamline annual processes like registration through the app. Reminders for registration can be sent and even allow the registration process to happen directly through the app. A mobile app for a sports team will help with recruitment as prospective families can download the app and learn more about the program.
Besides the free development and increased communication, a mobile app can actually be a vehicle for ongoing revenue. In addition to the business that sponsors the creation of the app, other business can buy advertising space. Advertising sales could reduce the fundraising efforts sports teams have been struggling with all these years.
There is a also a great cost savings with having a mobile app. The cost of printing schedules and mailing them out to parents can be eliminated. All of the documents that would normally be sent home with the kids can now be available right through the app. Teams can sell merchandise directly from the app. All of these aspects add up to money that can be made for the program. Scholarships, proper training equipment, and practice gear are all things a team needs to thrive.
As Williams points out, “Because times have changed, that means businesses need to be approached differently in order to get the sponsorship support your teams needs. Our mobile apps sponsorship is the way to do that.” She explains that when teams engage in this partnership, “We work with your fundraising team, get some information from them and we take it from there.”
If you’ve ever thought about what a mobile app could do for your team or club, visit the company’s site http://www.mediaauthoritymarketing.com/sportsteams and download “10 Reasons Your Sports Teams Needs A Mobile App.”