The Haitian American Chamber of Commerce Announces Entertainment Change To Their Fourth Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Gala Concert

Planning for the Haitian American Chamber of Commerce 4th Annual Pink Noire Gala has been underway for months, with the event originally scheduled to showcase the band Mizik Mizik.

With the political climate in Haiti and the uncertainty surrounding the travels, the decision was made to change bands.

HAAMCC is now pleased to announce the event will feature an oldie and goodie “KREYOL LA” to which they will still be celebrating Life of the fighter, honor those whom we’ve lost and create memories with those whom we love.

Pink Noire’s focus is to emphasize awareness that should turn to action. Their vice president (Djenane St Fleur) – a three times cancer survivor spearheaded the past three successful editions while in remission to give hope and empower men and women struggling with diagnosis, work and business entrepreneurship.

The event will feature Susan G Komen Mia/Fort Lauderdale Affiliate as a beneficiary of the concert series this year.

The event will kick off with a cocktail hour at 6:00 pm followed by Chef Rachel culinary experience that will take you around several Caribbean counties for Creole Heritage Month. There will be various forms of entertainment at the event, personal stories and testimonies by survivors. Our goal for this event is to bring awareness to Breast Cancer’s prevalence in the Caribbean islands while celebrating Creole Cuisine and raising money. While formal attire is encouraged at this event, we are not hoping to see everyone in Pink nor Black.

The tickets for the performance are $85 – $100. Tickets can also be purchased in person at several locations in South Florida.

The Haitian American Chamber of Commerce is taking care of your business by working for and with other partners to build a strong local economy, to be a strong advocate for businesses and other member benefit programs. The Chamber is a non-profit 501(c)(6) organization financed through membership dues, investments and revenues generated from programs and events.

For sponsorship and more information, please visit or call 954.638.8321.