Terri Brown Is Coaching Her Clients To Big Rewards

Helping solo entrepreneurs and small business professionals recruit more clients and make more money is Terri Brown’s business. With Terri Brown Coaching (www.terribrowncoaching.com), she provides her clients with real strategies to help them achieve their professional and lifestyle goals as quickly and as easily as possible. Her professional coaching services offer clients the ability to gain a more steady stream of clientele by combining personal coaching and marketing strategy, helping to bring her clients more income and get them into a stable pattern of increasing growth. “I teach my clients how to finally get off of the roller coaster ride of being too busy at times and at other times, wondering when the next good client will come in,” Brown says.

Brown also helps clients find marketing solutions that fit their individual businesses and personalities. Far from employing a one-size-fits all approach, she customizes marketing strategies into tailor-made plans that her clients can fully endorse. “I teach a marketing solution for solo entrepreneurs that typically hate marketing and selling,” Brown says. “They can finally market their businesses with integrity and in a way that feels good.”

By following her formula for success, Brown’s clients are able to both increase their income and also, their free time. Enhancing work/life balance is just one aspect of the services Brown offers her coaching clients. She works personally with her clients to help them build a firm business foundation and increase their professional and business profiles through brand content management and employing proven strategies that allow her clients’ businesses to grow at whatever rate is desired.

By helping to provide a more stable and predictable rate of growth, Brown is able to enjoy watching her clients succeed and become more successful. Having been a solo entrepreneur herself, Brown knows that having a business that can run itself and has the stability of continued growth can make a huge difference in her clients lives. “Now, my goal is to help other solo entrepreneurs so that they can sleep at night without worrying about bills, they can finally take their family on a vacation without stress and worry, and they can work less and make more,” Brown says.

Having sold over $5,000,000 worth of products and services over the past decade, Brown, a divorced mom of two, builds accountability into her services to keep her clients motivated and moving forward through the coaching process. These incentives help keep her clients on track and ultimately, help them reach their goals. Having turned her life around after divorce, Brown can attest to how difficult it can be to overcome serious financial hurdles. Her experience of running a successful business, though, leaves her skills unmatched.

“I went from financial devastation after a divorce to being completely debt free with a mortgage paid in full in just a few short years,” Brown relates. “Having my own business allowed me to turn things around quickly and I firmly believe that entrepreneurship allows us to accomplish more in our personal lives and offer more to our community and the world than we could ever do working for someone else.” You can find out more about Terri Brown and Terri Brown Coaching at: http://www.terribrowncoaching.com.