Self-Development Coaches Henare and Kate O’Brien Reach Three Amazon Best Seller Lists

Authority Media Group, LLC congratulates Henare and Kate O’Brien, best-selling authors featured in the new book, “Simple Ideas – Extraordinary Results,” which recently hit three Amazon Best Seller lists.

The book ranked at #14 in the ‘Web Marketing’ category as well placing in the ‘E-Commerce’ and in ‘Marketing/Web Marketing’ categories.

In this best-selling book, the O’Briens, native New Zealand Self-Development coaches, discuss their early struggles and how they found the strength to overcome these obstacles and experienced success in their lives.

Henare was a professional basketball player and Kate was a nurse who created an acclaimed national training program, but both felt that something very important was missing from their lives. Through deep self-exploration, they have acquired the knowledge and experiences that enable them to help others in their personal journey to inner success.

Together they created a program called GameChanger. Henare and Kate use the program to support others in their own journeys to create success in their lives. They find that, having gone through their own personal transformation, they are able to help others with authenticity and experience.

A key part of Kate and Henare’s program is holding others accountable as they start their journeys.

The goal for Henare, Kate and the their GameChanger program is to help others reach a level of inner success. They work with people all around the world.

The best part for Henare is, “We get to see sparkly eyes again. You know when you look at children and they’re three years old and they have that sparkle in their eye? That’s a wonderful thing to see in an adult.”

Part of the professional success that Henare and Kate feel is the knowledge that they’ve helped to change others’ lives for the better – helping them to achieve inner and outer success.

To learn more about Henare and Kate O’Brien, visit

The O’Brien’s book, “Simple Ideas – Extraordinary Results” is now available on at