Scott D Nielsen is a life coach and business consultant who specializes in mentoring young professionals wanting to advance at their present jobs or seeking greener pastures. Nielsen also offers his wisdom and experience to small and medium-sized enterprises whom are searching for a better long-term vision for their organizations or simply wanting the recipe for a tonic that will quickly boost their business activity.
In a recent interview, when asked why he chose to become a business consultant and mentor, Nielsen remarked, “My desire to mentor up-and-coming professionals and help small organizations shed their limitations is a significant part of what has led me to coaching”. For Nielsen, becoming a life coach and business consultant was a natural extension of his life experiences and training. Nielsen’s bachelor of science degree in education and his master’s degree in organizational management, combined with his decades of practical work experience in business development has given him quite the license to mentor.
When recently interviewed, Nielsen began a discussion about the specific activities of his coaching practice by offering a metaphor for his consulting process. Nielsen noted, “Well, this is a journey”. When asked to describe where he begins one of his coaching journeys with a client, Nielsen stated, “I take the opportunity to sit-down with them, and first of all, get an idea of exactly what their expectations are”. Nielsen’s mentoring process has many facets; however, when asked to describe in broad strokes the next part of a mentoring journey after a client has created a clearly-defined set of expectations, he noted, “After identifying where my clients would like to be, we begin to put-together a roadmap of this journey, and work to identify the pieces and components that will help them get to those particular points that we have identified”.
When mentoring an enterprise as opposed to an individual person Nielsen readily admits that the nature of his work is a bit different. According to Nielsen, when he coaches people in management positions he begins by having them ask themselves the following questions, “What are the things I need?”, “How do I go-after the things I need?”, and “I understand what I do, but how can I become better?” Nielsen believes his consulting services for enterprises are valuable because rapid technological developments are creating a business climate rife with uncertainty. When asked to comment about the nature of today’s ceaselessly-evolving business climate in an interview, Nielsen noted, “Small to mid-sized enterprises continue to think that maintaining the same ways of operating that they have always used will make them successful in the future. However, the truth is, in today’s world, what got you to where you are now won’t get you to the place where you want to be unless you begin to think and operate differently”.
In summary, whatever the future business climate will bring, Nielsen will make it his business to closely-monitor business trends and offer sage advice to both individual people and management teams.
Alicia Dibrell
Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.