When Chicago native Scott Dantuma left the Marines, he took the little money he had accrued and figured out how to debt-leverage the purchase of a business. As he was patting himself on the back for putting the deal together, it hit him that he then had to figure out what to do with all the debt he had just become the proud owner of.
He searched for the answers to his problems and had the good fortune to find a book which provided potential solutions. He met with the author of the book, Dr. Arnold S. Goldstein, and asked for his help to make his business solvent.
He was able to turn his company around and sold it a few years later. He found that he had a propensity for turning companies around and he actually enjoyed it. He went into business with Dr. Goldstein and became an expert at helping to improve the cash flow of a business.
Forty-two years later, this is still his passion.
In the beginning years, he found that the companies which he had helped turn around found their way across his desk a second time after only a few years. He discovered that the companies had continued to do the same things that had caused their problems in the first place. It was no wonder that they were coming back for help a second time. They had not learned what they needed to do to stay not only solvent, but profitable.
Scott states, “That’s the problem. You’ve got to do something different. I realized that the biggest weakness entrepreneurs have is not understanding the financial numbers. So I designed a program around that. I quickly started to realize that all of these elements that I was collecting as tools were really all geared towards the same thing and that is driving profit.”
He has a four-step process that he uses with companies he’s working with. If a company has problems, the first thing they do is clean up and eliminate existing issues that keep the owners awake at night. Next, they rebuild that foundation and make it solid by creating a new profit driven model for the business. Then, they track the financial information of the business and guarantee profitability by using and understanding the numbers and finally, they protect the assets of the business and owner(s).
Basically, Scott feels that it all comes down to the numbers and interpreting those numbers. The problem is that most entrepreneurs and business owners do not know what the numbers mean. Scott examines all the information and determines what changes need to be made.
According to Scott, “It’s not enough to just know you need to change it. The next question is how do I change it. So that’s what we work with companies to understand. We educate them. Here’s where you are. Here’s what you need to do to change this. Here’s how it’s going to improve your cash flow.”
Mr. Dantuma is well aware that according to the Small Business Administration, ninety-five percent of all companies fail in the first five years. It’s his passion to help avoid this failure and help companies succeed.
With his extensive understanding of what needs to be done under different circumstances, and the creativity he displays in finding and crafting solutions, Scott is able to use different strategies and tools to improve the cash flow of a business – and their profit. And profit is, after all, what they’re in business to make.
Scott likes to say that he provides one service: to dramatically enhance a business’ cash flow. And he has all the tools and experience available to make that happen. He proudly states that he has financially restructured over 2000 companies in his forty-two years of helping businesses and that has included businesses in virtually all industries.
Scott gives restructuring a unique spin by combining the financial restructuring of businesses with interpreting the financial information to improve cash flow.
The bottom line is that Scott Dantuma is a turn-around guy who helps to not only increase a company’s profit, but will make sure that company knows how to keep and continue to grow that profit.
To learn more about Scott Dantuma, visit: GreenZone9.com.