We interviewed Sandra Alexander of Salelynn Marketing of Atlanta, GA today who revealed that the online advertising agency has just partnered to offer local and small to midsize businesses SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for first page Google ranking for 200 keywords. All for a few hundred dollars, to make it affordable for most every business and company.
Salelynn Marketing works with businesses nationwide to help them with online advertising and marketing. The agency until now, had not concentrated on website ranking and search engine optimization because of the complexity and volatility of providing that service. We spoke with Sandra Alexander of the firm to find out what has changed and why.
SBT- Is it important for a business website to be listed in Google?
Sandra Alexander- If you are familiar with SEO, you know that the coveted spot on Google is the first page, position number 1 if you can get it, but just being on the first page. Being on the first page of Google results in 91.5% more traffic according the research firm, Chitika Insights. That means that when potential clients and customers go to Google and type in their search term or keyword, if you are on the first page, they will see your website and they are more likely call or purchase from you. In other words, websites that appear on page 2 or further are not getting many views and not getting website traffic, thus they make less sales or get less customers. So having a website is very important, but getting traffic to that website and getting found in the search engines is vital.
SBT – Tell us why have you decided to offer an SEO program now?
Sandra Alexander – We have partnered with an expert SEO company that has spent thousands to implement and test this system and can rank a business website on Google’s first page for 200 keywords. Having seen the proof and the how their strategies work, we decided that we could confidently offer our clients this service. In the past, we had avoided it by using other ways to generate sales and customers for our clients.
SBT- Do you think this will have mass appeal?
Sandra Alexander – The program is targeted at any business or company who would like to increase sales and get their websites listed on the Google first page. Or, for businesses that are already ranking for just a few keys keywords, but would like to expand their online presence. That includes ecommerce websites as well. The program offers 200 keyword to be listed on the first page of the search engines. I would think that just about all businesses could benefit from the program.
SBT- When in comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), what is the standard?
Sandra Alexander – I can tell you that I have spoken to many companies that are paying well into the thousands for just a few keyword rankings. Along the lines of 5-20 keywords is the industry standard offering. With a cost that ranges from $1000 to $7500. If a business wants to do what I like to call “full domination packages” they should also include strategies such as video marketing and article syndication along with the use of press releases to help them build their online presence and reputation. You can imagine that can be pricey if your SEO alone is over a $1000 a month. But, by using our program we bring those costs down to just a few hundred dollars. Allowing a company to dominate multiple spots in search results will help drive customers to a any business.
SBT – What kinds of businesses will this kind of service work for?
Sandra Alexander – The beauty of the program is that it works with any kind of business. Primarily we were looking at the service industry type businesses like Plumbers, HVAC, Window Cleaning, Electricians, Roofers, Drywall Contractors, Construction, Waterproofers, Pool Builders, etc. But this will work for professionals such as Attorneys, Doctors, Financial Planners, Real Estate Brokers or Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Brokers, Dentists, Wedding Counselors, Plastic Surgeons, Psychiatrists and Consultants. It works for product or ecommerce websites as well, the list is endless. Basically any business that wants to be found in the search engines and has clients that would use the search engines to look for their service or product.
SBT- You mentioned that other SEO consultants are offering ranking service for fewer keywords at a much higher investment, why isn’t your program priced higher?
Sandra Alexander – A great question. You see, we wanted to make our program available to the small to midsize businesses. In fact, our goal is the have 50,000 clients in the next 4-6 years. In order to accomplish that we need to make sure that we were offering it at a price that was affordable to most businesses. For example, a small plumbing company or carpet cleaning business probably couldn’t afford a SEO ranking program that cost $2000 a month or even $1000 a month. Their average sale might only be $150 to $200 dollars. Our program makes it so that a business can easily afford it and be able to see a return on investment with just one or two sales. When you think about it, it is these smaller companies that make up America. They make up the neighborhoods and communities that we live in and we all do better when those areas are thriving and employing members of that community.
SBT- How complex is this to implement for a company?
Sandra Alexander- Well, I can’t divulge how we accomplish the rankings except to say that it is all “White Hat SEO” meaning it is all 100% compliant with Google rules and regulations. Thousands where spent developing the methods to rank. We are not going to jeopardize ourselves or our client by doing anything that is considered “Black Hat” or against Google’s wishes. That said, we ask our clients for access to their website where we add a bit of code then we set out to create 200 separate websites or pages. Each one of those pages is optimized for ranking for that specific keyword. The customers’ website is not affected, they continue to administer and host it as they have been, but they now are ranked for 200 keywords. We even provide regular ranking reports so that our clients can keep track of each keyword and where there site is ranking. We take care of it.
SBT- How should a local business choose their keywords?
Sandra Alexander – You should work with your consultant to come up the right keywords to target. Generally, the client knows what services they offer and what locations they service and from there you can come up with a list of keywords to target. So a company may offer 10 different services and work in 20 different towns or areas by using that you can easily come up with your 200 target keywords.
SBT- What can a business expect when they sign up for your program?
Sandra Alexander- We will review the company’s website and along with the company determine the right keywords to target. The client knows what services and what areas they work in. We use that to create the list of targeted keywords to build the pages for. We may ask about their competition and what goals they have for their business. We can show them sample ranking reports and proof of our success with happy clients. We even show them how they can pay even less for the program, by simply referring other customers to us. We also consult with them on any other questions they may have. We want every one of our clients to feel at home with us. And we want them to be happy with our service so we offer proof and assurance that they will be happy and we will work with them to ensure they have success. That their websites rank.
SBT – What advice do you have for businesses looking for more customers and sales?
Sandra Alexander- First, I would say that in today’s market you do need a website no matter what industry you are in. Next, I’d say in order maximize that website you need to get as many eyes to it as possible and that means being on the 1st page of the search engines.
Third, if your spending money on paid ads like AdWords/PPC or coupon programs, etc. that you take a good look at what you’re spending, determine if you’re getting a good return on the investment and then I would encourage they consider taking at least part of that budget and get your website ranked organically in the search engines. It can save business a ton of money and is often trusted by online searchers more than paid ads.
Fourth, keep in mind competition is ever growing. So if their main method of getting customers or getting on the first page of Google is using “PPC” or “AdWords” they will need to continuously increase that budget to keep that position. This is because the competition is bidding on those same keywords and targeting those same locations. They are only on the first page for as long as their spending is high or they’re out bidding the competition. Also those ads rotate so at any given time their ad may not even show up. Something you don’t have to worry about when you rank organically. I would add that they will want to lock in their prime keywords and locations before their competition does. So there’s a need to act quickly.
Fifth, there are new businesses springing up every day just in their industry and in order to combat that and stay lucrative they must have a SEO program the works monthly to stay ranked. Search engine optimization in not a one-time thing. You have to keep at it monthly to stay ranked. That why it is important to find a very affordable program. Businesses must continue to market and advertise to be found and stand out from the competition in order to stay lucrative.
Last, I would suggest that they also incorporate along with SEO, good reputation building, offer great service and get reviews, use social media and get media exposure so that customers find not only their website but also good press about their companies so they can truly dominate their area.
SBT – What are Salelynn Marketing’s plans with regard to expanding this service?
Sandra Alexander- As I mentioned our goal is to offer this program to small to midsize companies and have 50,000 customers in just a few years. To do that, we are looking for Consultants and Account Managers and Partners who might like to also offer this service.
SEO and website ranking will long remain a hot topic for business owners worldwide. Companies have sought the coveted 1st page of Google , 1st page of Yahoo, and the 1page of Bing for many years now and there is no reason to think that will change anytime soon. The question remains how will they get there and how much will they be willing to invest to achieve that goal. It seems that SEO may be becoming more affordable and accessible for more businesses.
For more information on this SEO program or for a free demonstration and consultation visit: http://www.salelynnmarketing.com. Contact Salelynn Marketing at (888) 281-5450 or email SalelynnMarketing@gmail.com.