New York Times best-selling author Joel Comm interviewed Richard L. Hudson, BeliefBanker, for a special podcast series. “So, What Do You Do?” podcasts are interviews with the authors featured in the Amazon best-selling book of the same name.
“Each person has their own passion, talent, skill, ability and personality that makes them as unique as a snowflake. When we do what we were created to do, we bring a unique value to the world,” says author Joel Comm who has brought together 46 “geniuses” who are passionate about their areas of expertise.
“When meeting someone for the first time, names and handshakes are exchanged. Invariably, one person asks, ‘So, What Do You Do?’ ” said Comm. “The question itself is an invitation to discover the genius that is available all around us if we will just listen.”
The standout chapter of the book is “What’s in Your Portfolio?” Rich Hudson tells of how a single, almost insignificant belief led to him battling years of depression. Changing that belief in his portfolio gave him almost instantaneous relief and brought about a life-long investigation of beliefs and the language that builds them.
As an international executive coach, Hudson has spent more than two decades showing CEOs and Managing Directors of multinational companies in 14 countries on 4 continents how to develop powerful beliefs for business and personal success.
Hudson says. “Whether you recognize it or not, you have a portfolio of beliefs that impacts and controls your life – every day, every minute, and every second. Whether you smack into obstacles or succeed beyond your wildest dreams, you may wonder why. Like most people, you may not understand the power of your portfolio.”
Asked about the BeliefBanker designation, he said, “I wanted to find a way to communicate what it is I do. I help people understand and manage ‘The Most Important Investment You’ll Ever Make,’ the beliefs in their own portfolios.”
Like its best-selling predecessor, “Chicken Soup for the Soul,” “So What Do You Do?” is packed with stirring and powerful stories. But unlike the former book, readers also will discover real-life tools they can use in their daily personal and business life. Whether their focus is on personal development, growing their business, or managing money, readers will find specific information to help them move forward.
“So What Do You Do?” is published by Morgan-James Publishing and is an Amazon Best Seller. The podcast is available at: http://sowhatdoyoudo.com/whats-in-your-portfolio-with-richard-l-hudson/