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In the heart of the Atlanta business district of Buckhead lies a hidden gem that attracts some of the most influential people in the state of Georgia and beyond to talk about nothing other than business.
Rich Casanova has stepped in to fill a vacuum for businesses by creating Pro Business Channel and giving them a platform to talk all about their business with no hidden agenda or gotcha questions.
“I like to say we are the PBS of the business community. There is no slant one way or the other. We don’t lean to the left, or to the right, we lean business. Pro Business Channel is 100% business all the time,” added Casanova.
Rich Casanova began a career in radio as a music DJ in California and quickly caught the radio bug. After a time, he became bored of replaying the same music over and over and knew the next level for him would be talk radio. Wanting to distance himself from ‘shock jock’ radio, Rich wanted to do something positive and with purpose. That mission, combined with his personal entrepreneurial spirit and drive resulted in his founding Pro Business Channel in Atlanta, GA.
Pro Business Channel studio is a place where business owners and entrepreneurs can come and talk about their business in a non-threatening environment and leave with a highly valuable audio file all about them talking passionately about their business. Rich never charges to be a guest on any of the shows and offers content syndication to a variety of the top social media and audio/video channels. A sample of shows include Atlanta Legal Experts (ALE), Business Authority Radio (BAR) and Georgia Business Radio. These shows attract some of the top people in business, from Georgia’s attorney general to a regional SBA administrator and business authorities from the local to national level.
Pro Business Channel gives businesses the opportunity to create content in a 30 minute show that can be repurposed and used for content marketing strategies for months. Rich also provides guests with a document on how to use the audio file provided for the most leverage. Content is king in marketing and in order to stay relevant businesses need to continually be in front of their audience wherever they are hanging out.
The channel goal is to capture conversations and convert it to content, then share ways to convert that content into cash-flow.
To learn more about Rich Casanova and Pro Business Channel you can visit http://ProBusinessChannel.com where you can view different shows, inquire about being a guest or get sponsorship and hosting questions answered.
Neil Howe
Neil Howe is a 3-time #1 Best Selling Author, host of Expert Profiles Atlanta, Business Authority Radio and The Trust Factor Podcasts, an Online Media Strategist and Publicist, avid reader and Personal Branding advocate.