Lee Murphy, candidate for U.S. Congress, announced today that he will not allow Corporate PACs or Special Interest Groups to influence his campaign. This announcement came shortly after campaign finance reports were published with the Federal Election Commission.
Earlier this year incumbent Congresswoman Blunt-Rochester co-sponsored H.R. 1, legislation that would have ended the influence of big money in politics saying, “When the American people sent us to Congress, they made it clear that they wanted their voice heard in Washington. Delawareans want to protect the right to vote. They want to end the influence of big corporate money in our elections, and they want to end the culture of corruption in Washington.”
Since then, public records indicate that over 70% of her campaign is financed by Corporate PACs such as Capital One Financial and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals.
“This gesture to end corruption in Washington was clearly shallow,” Murphy explained. “People across Delaware, regardless of Party affiliation, know our campaign finance system is broken. They know that large corporations funnel money to candidates, and more often than not, that money comes with strings attached. Delawareans deserve to know their voice isn’t being overshadowed by large corporations. I’m proud that the everyday Delawarean will have the opportunity to have a larger influence this election cycle. Small donations might seem like a drop in the bucket to incumbents, but as a collective, they have a ripple effect that can take on the corrupt system currently in place.”
Over the course of the next year, Lee Murphy will make his way up and down the state to share his thoughts on Delaware’s toughest problems, including his solutions for campaign finance reform. The election will be held November 3, 2020. For more information, or to get involved with the campaign, visit GoMurph.com.