Trevor Puskar is the 2014 President of the Lakeland Association of Realtors and a top-producing broker with Midflorida Real Estate Sales LLC. In this article he addresses the ever-growing role that government and politics play in real estate and how this is affecting consumers.
Trevor Puskar began his career in real estate in 2008 and right in the midst of one of America’s worst economical downturns. “People thought I was crazy for starting at that time,” recalls Puskar. “But everyone needs a roof over their head no matter what the circumstances are and I have always been attracted to real estate. There is tremendous joy handing over a set of keys to a family starting a life together in their first home or helping a retiree find their dream home to enjoy their sunset years.”
From those early days Puskar has gone on to create a reputation as one of the most helpful and knowledgeable realtors in Florida. And when he was asked to describe the current condition of the real estate climate he had a great deal to say – especially regarding the role of politics. “The political climate continues to challenge the recovering housing market,” explains Puskar. “Earlier this year Realtors had to help homeowners with flood insurance as the Biggart-Waters Act would have effectively made flood insurance so expensive people would have potentially lost their homes.”
Puskar points out another example, “One issue that Congress has yet to act on is the reinstatement of Mortgage Debt Cancellation Act that sunset on December 31, 2013.” Puskar elaborates, “When a homeowner has a short sale the IRS technically sees the difference of what was owed to the bank as income and can tax that sum of money that the owner never had. The Mortgage Debt Cancellation Act is a Bipartisan effort and all indications suggest the act will pass and be retroactive for 2014.”
When asked specifically how consumers can best navigate the current political waters surrounding the real estate market, Puskar made an important observation, “Remember that what you see on the Internet is not always true. That is why using a Realtor is paramount to the home buying and selling transaction. With the ever increasing regulatory environment, complicated contracts, and the litigious society we live in you need a Realtor to navigate the process.”
Puskar summarizes, “Local professionals know the neighborhoods, current market, and have the expertise to help you reach your goal. The Internet can only get buyers and sellers so far, but it cannot replace the human interaction and negotiating skills.”
It might also be added that engaging the services of an honest and knowledgeable Realtor may not only avoid a legal minefield but can also help make the entire buying or selling process much more cost-effective and less stressful for the average consumer. Trevor Puskar certainly seems to fit that bill.
Anyone wishing to learn more about Trevor Puskar or his services is encouraged to email him at: trevorpuskar@gmail.com or call him at (863) 606-8515.