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Distinguished real estate entrepreneur and consultant Bryce Robertson is quickly gaining popularity as an author. His real estate guide “10,000 Miles to the American Dream: Our Story of Financial Freedom” has recently become the top rated international bestseller in Amazon. This book is a combined initiative of eight Australians who had a dream to make it big in the American real estate market. The story describes how they traveled over 10,000 miles from Australia to achieve financial freedom and create the real American dream.
Real estate investing is currently considered to be a highly lucrative profession. However, just one negative event can lead to a financial disaster in this industry. In “10,000 Miles to the American Dream: Our Story of Financial Freedom,” the authors have discussed different ways to invest in U.S real estate and how this can be done best with the help of a great team.
“I’ve read several “goal oriented, positive reinforcement, real estate investing, positive vibe books.” This read definitely hones in on how similar characteristics can create massive impacts in your life. Tie that into the different avenues these gentleman have taken and it becomes very encouraging as well as very realistic! Great read,” an impressed reader mentioned in his Amazon review.
Bryce left Australia in his early 20’s to explore the world. During his international exploration, he owned multiple businesses in different countries around the world. Though he was making a substantial earning, Bryce wasn’t satisfied because he had to work physically to generate income. After 6 full years of international travel, he arrived in the U.S.A with a few thousand dollars, a backpack, and 2 surfboards. Against all odds, Bryce managed to purchase his 1st mobile home park with a negative net worth, unseasoned credit and a mere $2,000 in the bank. Closing that seemingly impossible deal made Bryce confident that anything was possible.
“I have teamed up with some of the best operators in the U.S and geometrically expanded my U.S Real Estate investing platform attracting U.S. and international investors along the way. My set-up enables me to work, travel and adventure at my leisure living a true and abundant freedom lifestyle,” Bryce says. “I’m here to help you create or expand your financial freedom or generational wealth and live your dream life through the powerful catalyst of U.S.A Real Estate.”
Inspired by achieving the freedom trinity of financial, time and location freedom, Bryce’s educational platform of PropertyWorkzUSA.com, FreedomHackRadio.com, and the YouTube channel Freedom Hack Radio, helps others become financially free and create their own self-designed freedom lifestyle. Bryce keynotes all over the United States, hosts a variety of educational live and online events, and holds private consultations.
To find out more about Bryce Robertson, please visit http://www.propertyworkzusa.com/
Alicia Dibrell
Alicia Williams-Dibrell is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor to Small Business Trendsetters and Business Innovators Magazine covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.