Growing a real estate business can be tough, but now agents can get information on sales, marketing and leadership strategies with a new website, AgentMarketingAcademy.com We recently sat down with the founder, Tim Davis to discover more about this resource for the real estate agent community.
Agent Marketing Academy Inspiration
Real Estate Agents are always in need of relevant information to grow their business. We started AgentMarketingAcademy.com to be a resource for agents in Tennessee to become educated and empowered to build a successful business.
Free Resources
When an agent comes to our site they will find many free resources. In fact we are giving away a free copy of our new book, 125 Must Read Inspirational Quotes to any agent who requests a copy from the site. In addition to our blog, which includes sales and marketing topics, agents can also look find videos, free audio coaching, and links to resources for their business.
Leadership Training for Real Estate Agents
Several years ago I was certified by John Maxwell as a leadership trainer and speaker. When I went through the certification process, I realized the need for quality leadership training for real estate agents. Many consumers turn to agents for advice, guidance and leadership on their largest purchase. It only makes sense to add quality leadership content to the site as well.
Why should agents visit this website?
Any agent who is looking for a silver bullet or magic pill would not be able to find it on our site; however, agents who want to grow both personally and professionally as well as stay sharp in their business will find this site to be a valuable resource that will educate and empower them to become the best agent they can be. As the site grows, we will continue to add more and more valuable content too.