Quebec Author Elizabeth Berardi Hits Multiple Amazon Best Seller Lists With Premiere Novel “Mektoub… Le Badge“ Set in Montreal

In response to the book hitting Number One, Berardi shared she felt “…surprised that my first book became a bestseller, but above all happy and proud to see the consecration of thousands of hours spent writing it, tweaking it with the hope of to see it published and loved. Like the heroine of this semi-autobiographical novel, this book is living proof not only to me, but to my readers and society in general, that when one has an unwavering determination and an iron will to reach one’s goal, one reaches it!

“It was important for me to publish my book because it shows a very strong feminine character to which many more women and girls should identify. It shows that no matter what your financial woes and/or your sentimental problems are, if you have a goal you really want to achieve, nothing and no one will stop you, no matter the length of the road, the height of the walls or the depth of the gaps that separate you from your goal, your will and perseverance will enable you to reach your goal … no matter what!”

With the recent groundswell of support around female written books with female characters in society and the media, Mektoub… Le Badge gives women and girls a strong female lead to relate to and learn from, making it a must read for people who like to read French-language novels.


Zika Diriva is intrepid, spontaneous, too much as some would say, she has the gift of the gab, charm, great strength of character, a strangling humor and … a grudge. Following a dismissal, without work and without money, but fervent reader of crime novels and espionage, this executive assistant decides on a whim to become a private detective. As a self-training, she finds herself unknowingly parachuted into a story where danger and comical situations become her daily life, where endearing characters mingle with menacing and unscrupulous individuals. She will also manage a stormy relationship with her boyfriend Riad, who himself is going through a period of crisis, while facing the assaults increasingly hot from Seif, her future boss, seductive and ultra-sexy. In turn pursuing and pursued, Zika will risk her life more than once to earn money and finally have …. the detective badge. Twists and turns, Zika Diriva will rely on Mektoub, Destiny, who will decide ….


Zika Diriva est intrépide, spontanée, trop même diraient certains, elle a du bagou, du charme, une grande force de caractère, un humour décapant et….de la rancune. Suite à un licenciement, sans travail et sans argent, mais fervente lectrice de romans policiers et d’espionnage, cette adjointe de direction décide sur un coup de tête de devenir détective privée. Histoire de s’entraîner, elle se retrouve parachutée à son insu dans une histoire où le danger et les situations cocasses deviennent son quotidien, où des personnages attachants se mêlent à des individus menaçants et sans scrupules. Elle devra aussi gérer une relation de couple houleuse avec son copain Riad, qui lui-même traverse une période de crise, tout en faisant face aux assauts de plus en plus torrides de Seif, son futur patron, séduisant et ultra-sexy. Tour à tour poursuivante et poursuivie, Zika va risquer plus d’une fois sa vie pour gagner de l’argent et pour avoir enfin…. le badge de détective. De rebondissements en rebondissements, Zika Diriva s’en remettra à Mektoub, le Destin, qui décidera…

Amazon And Book Reviews / Amazon Et Critiques De Livres

“Ce n’est pas un roman policier traditionnel. C’est un roman dans lequel l’auteur a su allier le suspense et les situations drôles, les moments de tendresse et les liens d’amitié authentiques dans une histoire pleine de rebondissements. Je recommande vivement ce livre.”

29 Novembre 2018 – Evelyne Amar

“J’ai acheté “Mektoub…. Le Badge et ce soir, assise dans le métro qui me ramenait chez moi, je riais si fort en le lisant que les gens ont voulu savoir pourquoi et ont commencé à lire à leur tour sur ma tablette. Ils ont tellement ri et aimé le style de l’auteur qu’ils l’ont commandé aussitôt pour eux. Ce livre est une véritable thérapie anti-stress!”

6 Décembre 2018 – Linda Bounadère


Elizabeth Berardi immigrated to Canada for several years and moved to Montreal after living in many African and European countries. She studied in France, Gabon, Morocco and Germany and obtained university certificates in English and German to become an interpreter. Mektoub (Destiny) decided otherwise, having held executive positions in administration, sales and marketing, while devoting herself to her passions during her free time: karate and writing. Mektoub …. The Badge is her first novel.

To learn more about, Elizabeth Berardi, visit

Mektoub… Le Badge in now available on at