Pet Whisperer Alanna Sinclair Cares For Your Pets With Understanding And Compassion

Before Alanna Sinclair left the corporate world to start her pet care service, PawHaven, her training often involved a steep learning curve, and her last corporate job was no exception. Alanna says it was probably the steepest learning curve she’s experienced, but one she worked through to success and one that gave her a boost in confidence that proved to her she could conquer any challenge.

She remembers hearing about entrepreneurs pushing the limits and building empires. Looking back today, Alanna thinks it must have been that newfound confidence that sparked the thought, why should I work hard building someone else’s business? Why not build my own? The thought shocked her at first, but the fear she felt while considering this strange, new alternative made everything crystal clear.

Alanna’s favorite quote is from Eleanor Roosevelt who said, We gain strength, courage, and confidence by each experience in which we stop to look fear in the face. We must do that which we think we cannot. Conquering fear became the pathway that led Alanna to success.

Never known to do anything halfway, Alanna quit her corporate job to dedicate her time and energy to PawHaven, her pet care service. It proved to be the perfect union between Alanna’s compassion for animals, and the natural gifts she brings to their care.

Alanna listens to John Lee Dumas’ Entrepreneur Podcast while she works out. In fact, a month after starting her business, she remembers hearing an episode featuring Dane Maxwell from The Foundation. Alanna says that Dane is an incredible entrepreneur with an amazing worst entrepreneurial moment story. What Dane had to say that day resonated with Alanna, bringing her encouragement during what had been a very difficult time in her business.

She only had a few clients and was having second thoughts, when something Dane said struck home with Alanna. He said there is a small voice inside of each of our heads; the one that tells us what to do next. Dane calls it, a sacred voice, and one that is all too easily silenced.

That’s when Alanna realized the voice was in her, and it was the same voice that spoke to her in the past. She knew that she had to listen; to quit now and deny the voice was something she could not do.

Alanna has learned a lot about business since first deciding to become an entrepreneur. She says it took a lot of time and determination to navigate through legal and financial waters to get her business up and running. She was often up until 2 a.m. and then up again at 7 a.m. getting things in order. She learned to manage a variety of business obligations, like creating an LLC, getting business insurances in place, setting up bank accounts and a commercial safe (for client keys), establishing memberships, and even ordering business cards.

When it comes to challenges, Alanna says that learning to market her business was a big one, but she took her time and learned the ropes. Today, her business is a success, with clients booking up to six months in advance. Her next step is to gain exposure through educational meetup groups and referral programs, and she’s excited to see the results.

Alanna says she became an entrepreneur the minute she finished her business plan. Her goal has never been to just create a job. Her goal is to build a pet care organization that celebrates and honors the sacred bond between people and their pets. She envisions a community that honors and nourishes growth through knowledge sharing and quality care.

She offers pet sitting and daily exercise programs for . Clients and friends often use the terms cat whisperer and dog whisperer when they talk about Alanna. She knows how to win a pet’s trust, and has even adopted and successfully socialized a wild cat that sleeps on her bed, loves being brushed, and plays with feathers on a stick.

Alanna enjoys teaching pet parents about care and nutrition. She’s creating courses on pet care and nutrition, and writing a book on how to help your pet grow old gracefully.

If you feel that you can’t go vacation because your pets might not like the caregiver, Alanna can help. She has a gift for approaching and caring for animals that are usually uncertain who they interact with. This is especially helpful to older and fragile pets, as they often become more selective about who they allow into their space.

She knows it can be a problem to find someone you can trust to care for your pet. It’s important that your pet accepts the caregiver, too. There are a lot of options available, but a professional pet sitter is usually the best solution.

When you hire Alanna, your pets can stay in their own home while you’re away––a home they are familiar and comfortable in. They can avoid interaction with potentially ill animals, and follow a normal routine. All these things are key to pet wellness.

Alanna started a pet care service because of her deep love and compassion for animals, both big and small. She’s the one at a party who leaves to go outside and sing to and pet the cows. She’s the one who gets up 5 a.m. to feed a feral cat colony.

In the corporate world, Alanna worked as a people manager and training instructor, and that was fine. But now she wants to build a business around her passion, and PawHaven gives her the opportunity to do that, every day.

Alanna has compassion for pets, and she understands their need for the best care. She’s a good match because of the strong, natural intuition she has for their physical and mental needs. Her naturally calm presence has a relaxing affect on pets. All these things are important when considering the health, happiness, and wellbeing of your pets.

As an avid pet lover, Alanna has lived with and cared for a variety of pets for over 25 years. From miniature painted quail and gopher snakes, to domestic cats and dogs, she’s enjoyed raising them all. Her broad experience and unique approach make her the preferred caregiver for your pets.

People often run into problems when they ask a neighbor, friend, or family member to care for their pet while they’re away. If they don’t hire a skilled professional, there is no guarantee what will be provided for their pet, when someone will be there to care for their pet, and how dependable that person will be. They can only hope that their pet will receive the care they need.

For the peace of mind and confidence you need to leave pets while away, hire a pet care professional you can trust; one who will provide your pets with the calm, comfort, and care they deserve, every day.

PawHaven is the pet care specialist that does exactly that.

Alanna moved to Houston, Texas, from Canada three years ago. She says that her cats flew to Houston, six months later, to join her. Alanna says they’re international travelers!

In her spare time, Alanna enjoys reading, playing with her cats and seeing independent films in vintage movie theaters. She is a local volunteer at the Friends For Life No-Kill Animal Shelter and helps with adoption events at the Upper Kirby PetSmart in Houston, Texas.

To learn more about Alanna and her service, PawHaven Home and Pet Setting, visit her website at:, or connect with her directly at (832) 865-5936. You can also email Alanna at