Personal Training Certification – Becoming a Personal Trainer in BC

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The British Columbia area is home to numerous gyms, fitness clubs, and even personal trainers. But how do you get to be a personal trainer in BC, let alone Canada? Well, in this guide we’ll give you some tips on how you can get that personal training certification. Many people (even customers) don’t realize the painstaking process a personal trainer has to go through in order to even be licensed to successfully train them in fitness.

Age Matters

First off, you have to be 18 years old in order to pursue a further education as a personal trainer. This is not only one of the standards of the BCRPA, but also the ACE (American Council of Exercise), and you have to realize that you need your basic education out of the way first. Not many schools will take people in if they don’t have their high school diploma or general education degree. You’re going to be looking at a professional academy in order to teach you things, and more than likely, this will be an accredited university or technical college. Or maybe you’ll be choosing our top choice which is dedicated only to creating great personal trainers (more about that later).

Passing Your Exams

In order to become a personal trainer, you need to put everything into it that you can and apply yourself fully. Think of it like a real college degree, and have a positive growth mindset so you can learn from any mistakes. If you do this, you should succeed, and the right school’s mission will be to help you do this as much as possible. Some schools even help you retake your exams, or put you back through the course on their own dime so you don’t have to pay tuition twice!

Other Education You’ll Need to Be a Personal Trainer

You also have to ensure that you know first aid, and the right training will teach you everything you need to know, from CPR to other areas of first aid. You’ll also need to get your AED (defibrillator) training and certification because there may be medical emergencies that require you to take action in a “first responder” type setting. Of course nobody wants these things to happen, but in the world of fitness it can, and every personal trainer must be prepared to tackle all avenues of training to be completely successful. The right school will also teach you other areas of health in order to be a nutrition specialist because some of your customers are going to need help in this area (such as people trying to lose a lot of weight, or even bulk up).


The Hilltop Academy right in the heart of British Columbia will do everything they can to make sure you can achieve your dreams and even get closer to your career goals as a personal trainer. Not only that, but they’ll provide you with top-notch training in order for you to get your BCRPA and ACE certifications, as well as your basic medical certifications in order to maximize your efficiency for your future.

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