Tammy Steele, founder of Fully Present Women, read and took to heart the dozens of studies showing that not only are 70-80% of visits to doctors for stress or stress induced disease but also these studies link stress as the major contributor for more than 50% of all diseases including the number one cause of death in America, cardiovascular disease.
Tammy says, “It just doesn’t have to be that way! Stress affects us when we think that we have no control over it. You can take control of how you react to the stress in your life and eliminate the effects it has on your body and mind by developing some key tools. I have launched an online program to show you how. My Perfect Health Program teaches you valuable stress reduction techniques that you can easily add to your everyday life to vanquish the effects of stress on your mind and body.”
Deepak Chopra, bestselling author and co-founder of the Chopra Center for well being in Carlsbad, California, is often quoted saying the same thing, “When you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, it is easy to forget that you have choices and that there are many tools and techniques that can help you feel better right away.”
Chopra elaborated: “I teach people that no matter what the situation is, no matter how chaotic, no matter how much drama is around you, you can heal by your presence if you just stay within your center.”
Steele’s Perfect Health Program is a five-lesson course based on the Chopra Center for Wellbeing’s teachings and designed for achieving balance of the mind and body. When your mind and body are in balance you can reduce stress by making nourishing choices which lead to health and happiness. Participants have learned how to feel emotionally alive every day, finally eat foods that work for them and exercise routines that meet their unique balance. They are living higher quality lives.
Tammy has been delivering these valuable lessons for over four years and the results of her Perfect Health Program prove to be transformative:
“I was having difficulty sleeping and was finding it difficult to get through the day. Since I have incorporated the tools from the class I am sleeping better and have tons more energy!”– Mother of three
“This class helped me through one of the roughest times of my life.” – Pilate’s Instructor
“This material is amazing. Without the lessons I have learned from Tammy, I would be completely overwhelmed by the things happening in my life. I literally would have shut down and hid from the world. This information and the tools taught are life savers.” – Autism Family Coach
You can learn more about Tammy Steele and the Perfect Health Program www.fullypresentwomen.com/sparkle.