Paul Morton – Success Coach Assists Entrepreneurs to Clarify Success Mindset

A military child, Paul Morton landed in Australia at an early age and currently calls it home. Living on military bases and throughout his life, he has been involved in industries that revolved around having discipline and setting systems. A trained architect that struggled with corporate and government constraints, Paul worked as a project manager and at the executive level for private companies and the Australian government.

He developed his interest in personal development early in his college years, eventually running his own Taekwondo school. As an instructor, he enjoyed helping other people and coaching them. He also taught self-defense courses for women throughout the country.

According to Paul, “That was really where I first got the taste for helping others, helping other people and being able to see that you can make a difference in people’s lives.”

With his architectural background, Paul eventually got involved in real estate and grew to be very successful in that, quickly achieving the goal he had set of becoming a millionaire.

Just as quickly as he had earned a million dollars, he made several bad decisions and eventually nearly lost every material thing that he had accumulated or acquired, as well as his money and his marriage.

After much introspection and self-analysis, Paul realized that he was very goal-oriented and action-focused and could achieve great things very easily. He also realized that he had been self-sabotaging himself because of his mistaken mindset and what he was thinking and feeling about being successful.

During his time of success in real estate, he started providing help and advice to others about money and investing in real estate. “But as I was doing that, I was realizing that there was more to it than just the technical how to. How to get out of debt. How to save. How to invest. How to buy real estate. I realized I was giving them all the technical stuff, but I wasn’t helping them with their mindset and how they were thinking,” says Paul.

Paul realized that some people have mental barriers that hold them back from achieving and maintaining success. They have “some sort of story,” something they’ve been told or something they might have seen while growing up.

“And so that’s what’s really taken me to actually wanting to help people break through those stories and achieve more out of life and achieve more than just material goals,” says Paul.

Paul Morton, The Success Coach, works through his company, Achieve Success, to provide more personal coaching. According to Paul, individuals have different stories and sometimes it can be hard for them to actually identify what their story is, or that they have one.

Paul assists entrepreneurs and investors who have achieved a certain level of success but are struggling to meet their full potential. “I’ve been through that journey of realizing that there’s more to life and I understand the struggles that they can experience,” says Paul.

Paul’s background has enabled him to create a system of strategies that takes people through an 8-step process to achieve results, to take people through change, using the best way to go through that process and achieve clarity.

What makes Paul different is the unique journey that he’s been through: “I think it’s a journey that will serve, does serve and helps others whether they’ve gone through it and they’re trying to come out of it, or actually to help people not go through that self-sabotage that I have gone through.”

He finds that there are two basic problems that people struggle with. One is their clarity: actually being clear about what it is that they truly want and why it is they want that. The other problem he helps people solve is helping people determine what is preventing them from achieving success and discovering what it is that’s holding them back.

According to Paul, “It’s not normally knowledge. Information’s so readily available. It’s not normally a lack of information or a lack of knowledge on how to be successful. It’s normally something from within themselves, and as I was saying, a story, as I call it – some belief that they may have. Whether it’s conscious or subconsciously, you need to work out what that is and why that is.”

As someone who has always loved problem solving, Paul helps people identify what the problem is and come up with the best solution. He does find that one piece that is often missing in coaching is holding people accountable to follow through on their decisions.

In addition to his strategies, holding people accountable is one of the strengths that make Paul different and one of the things that make his clients ultimately achieve success.

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