Online Media Strategist Daren Baysinger helps top performing real estate professionals earn more by showing them little known strategies that position them as the go-to experts in their area.
Most real estate professionals are so busy in their business they don’t stop and take the time to really understand how to convert more prospects into clients.
“It’s pretty typical” States Baysinger. “Sadly, most agents are unaware of how internet and social media have completely changed the prospect to client conversion process. Most agents still think prospective clients search on Google for “Best Real Estate Agent City Name”. Or, an existing client makes a referral and the new referral just magically makes an appointment with them.”
This line of thinking can cost an agent new clients and result in lost commissions.
The reality is most prospects snoop online to check out an agent or broker to help them decide if they want to contact the agent at all.
They want to know if the agent might be a good fit for them before they waste any time on the phone or in a meeting. Baysinger says “Understanding this is critical and requires an agent to get inside the mind of their prospective client in order to craft compelling messages that connect with them.”
What most agents overlook in their marketing strategy is the fact that most prospective clients will search for them online by their agent name, not by broker company name. So what’s the significance of this?
The answer is simple and can be summed up with a quote from marketing legend Frank Kern “People do business with people they know, like, and trust.”
“Prospective clients want to make sure an agent is competent at what they do. But, first and foremost, the prospect wants to get to know an agent, see if they like them and then decide if they can trust them” Explains Baysinger. And, this happens online without the agent even knowing its happening.
Incredibly, 99% of the time what a prospect finds out about an agent online does not speak to the prospect in a way that builds rapport or trust. Without trust there’s no reason for them to contact the agent and that equals another lost lead and no client conversion.
According to Baysinger “Most of the time there is no compelling reason for a prospect to pick one agent over another…Agents fail to take advantage of this critical piece of the client conversion process…Just making a few simple changes online can increase prospect to client conversion ratio’s regardless of the economy – and that equates to more commissions earned.”
The first thing Baysinger suggests is that an agent perform a search on their name online to see for themselves what comes up in the search results. Most of the time this gives an agent their “Ah-ha” moment. What they typically find is very little that is personable. At best, search results are mostly about how great of an agent they are or how many homes they sold last year. While that information is important, it is not what most prospective clients are interested in to begin with.
Baysinger highlights “With a little forethought and some guidance from an expert; a top producing agent can really position themselves as an authority and rise head and shoulders above their competitors.”
According to Baysinger therein lies the golden opportunity.
Baysinger concludes with “The good news is when a prospect is checking an agent out online there are so many ways an agent can stand apart from their competition right there in the search results. The important thing is for the agent to speak to their prospects in a way that convinces the prospect to pick them as the one they can trust with all their real estate needs.”
Daren Baysinger is an authority on helping top producing real estate professionals create their “Tipping Point” – that moment in time when a prospect picks them over all his/her competition.
For more information, email Daren Baysinger at Daren@VIPMediaService.com, or visit VIPMediaService.com