New Release “Supplier Diversity Connection” Authored by Pamela Williamson Ph. D the President of the WBEC-West is Now Available on Amazon

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Pamela Williamson, Ph. D, President of WBEC-West, released a New Book Series to help diversity supplier locate and register on Supplier Diversity Portals called Supplier Diversity Connection, available now on Amazon.

Have you registered on our corporate supplier portal?” – as a supplier, you have probably heard this question dozen, or even hundreds, of times from corporate buyers. Nowadays it is a common requirement for potential suppliers to register with the target customer’s supplier database to be considered for procurement opportunities. It is also suggested or often required for potential and existing suppliers to login the portal to periodically update their pertinent information like insurance info, certifications, W-9, revenues, number of employees, commodity codes, contact info, capability description, etc. Diverse suppliers (MBE, WBE, SBE, Vet, etc.) can also provide ownership and certification information.

In the meantime, more and more corporations are requiring their buyers and internal users to ONLY select and use the suppliers registered in their supplier portals. More and more corporations also require A/P (Account Payable) to only pay suppliers registered with complete information in the portal.

Based on our exhausted research over the past many years, there are over 1,000 supplier portals headquartered in the U.S. and over 2,000 supplier portals globally. Theoretically you can register to all of them, however, very few companies have the bandwidth and manpower to keep up with over 3,000 supplier portals. Instead, we advise suppliers to strategically select opportunities based on their qualifications and capacities. For example: Phase I to register on 50 sites; Phase II to update on those sites and register on another 50 sites. It’s not a question of if suppliers should register and update, it’s a question of how many and how often.

Pamela Williamson, Ph. D President of WBEC-West has made this research easy for you with the WBEC-West sponsored book series called Supplier Diversity Connection. This well researched book will help you to identify the portals your company should register for and the locations of the portals.

WBEC-West is a regional partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), a coalition of corporations, WBEs and regionally focused women’s business organizations. As an affiliate organization, WBEC-West implements the certification standards of WBENC throughout Arizona, Colorado, Southern California, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Hawaii, and Guam. WBENC certification is nationally recognized and accepted by more than 10,000 major corporations. We also support corporations in their efforts to include WBENC Certified WBEs in their supplier diversity programs. Learn more about us at

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