Phil Faris is the host of Never Too Late for Fitness Radio and the author of the Best-Selling Book, “Never Too Late! 21 Strategies to Reclaim Your Fitness After 50” and numerous articles on fitness, anti-aging, and nutrition. He also publishes Your Weekly Fitness Newsletter that helps people of all ages get fit and stay fit for life.
Faris played sports most of his life, including football, lacrosse, basketball, baseball, rugby, wrestling, and tennis. When he was 50, he was in excellent shape weighing 186 with 13% body fat. However, age and health issues started taking their toll.
Starting in 2001, he experienced a series of injuries and health issues that sidetracked most of his fitness efforts. Here are just a few:
- Fractured both wrists falling off a ladder.
- Knee surgery for a torn meniscus in his left knee.
- Two herniated discs that caused “drop foot” in his left leg. He had back surgery on his L4 and L5 discs that resulted in a 70% recovery but with residuals nerve damage.
- Atrial fibrillation or A-Fib (irregular heartbeat).
- Adrenal fatigue.
- A torn meniscus in his right knee.
- Low testosterone.
- Vitamin D deficiency.
- Osteoarthritis in both knees, wrists, and hand.
Faris explained, “My body was starting to resemble the highways in Chicago because it was always being repaired or under construction.”
To reverse this downward trend, he created a 60-day fitness challenge to transform his body from fat to fit and to correct his deteriorating health. Completing the challenge changed his life and helped him lose 30 pounds of fat. It also enabled him to recapture his health, energy, and vitality.
A 69, Faris has a passion for helping people over fifty re-discover the power and joy of fitness and healthy nutrition. He has shared his story including the ups, downs, and lessons learned so that others can blaze a similar path for their health and fitness. “I started Never Too Late for Fitness Radio to let people over fifty know that there are options and answers for living an active and vital life,” Faris stated.
Never Too Late for Fitness Radio connects fitness professional, experts and businesses with people over fifty so they can discover the latest strategies, programs, and products designed to help them get fit, stay fit and live longer healthier and happier lives. The show delivers straight talk about fitness, nutrition and healthy lifestyles for people over fifty.
Faris explained that he developed the show because the fitness industry is still youth-obsessed and slow to recognize the 50 plus market. People over 50 need different products, programs, and services to address their current goals, values, and physical capabilities. Faris explained, “My goal is to entertain, educate, motivate and inspire people over fifty with great guests who have compelling stories to share.”
Never Too Late for Fitness features two types of guests. The first includes local, national and international health and fitness professionals who understand how to help people over fifty become healthier and fitter. Guests are innovative people who are committed to making a difference in the lives of the people they serve. Some are business people and entrepreneurs while others are trainers, doctors, physical therapist and wellness coaches. The guest list runs a full spectrum of the industry.
The second type of guests is success stories. These are people who committed to be healthy, fit and active. They are everyday people who have made their health and fitness a priority. Everyone loves to hear about people who have overcome the same challenges they are facing. Success stories are great because they educate, motivate and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. Making lifestyle changes is hard for most people. However, as Faris said, “Everything seems easier if it has already been done before, especially someone you know or can relate to.”
Never Too Late for Fitness Radio is always looking for success stories that inspire and health and fitness professional who can help educate and motivate fitness-minded people over fifty.
If you are interested in learning more about the podcast go to Never Too Late for Fitness Radio. If you are interested in being a guest on the show, email Phil at phil@philfaris.com and share your fitness success story or how you help people over 50 get fit and stay fit.
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