Offering safe, natural solutions for many health problems from newborn babies all the way through 80+ years of age, Natural Health Improvement Centers of South Jersey is helping many people find a natural, non-invasive way to improve their health. They practice “Root Cause Nutrition”. Symptoms are present because there is something going on in the body that needs to be found and handled. They help their clients eliminate the root cause of their health issues to be well and Thrive.
Recently, two thrilled parents sent in spectacular 5-Star reviews about their children describing how they can now Thrive!
“Doctors gave my son the life-long diagnosis of asthma. I was tremendously doubtful and searched high-and-low for the RIGHT care for my son to properly heal from 2 rounds of pneumonia and countless medications to stabilize him. Somehow, I came across a practitioner over an hour away, Mrs. Sarah Outlaw. She has been an ENORMOUS blessing for my family over the last year. My son has been completely medicine free for 6 months and has been virus free the entire winter! ‘Let food be thy medicine’ I am a HUGE supporter and fan of this strategy to bring true health/healing.” – Kristen N.
“When Layla came to Sarah, we were desperate for help! Layla has a slew of “diagnoses” and has battled her health her entire life. It was getting to the point where Layla was not eating, hadn’t gained a single pound in two years, and was downright miserable with stomach issues, severe headaches, joint paint, hearing loss, and the list goes on. Sarah can address all those things and more as they come up! Since seeing Sarah seven months ago, Layla is eating, has gained 15 pounds, and the pain is much more manageable. While we still have some trouble, we have many more good days than bad days!
More than anything, Sarah listens to us. We have seen doctor after doctor, some of which have been well, but others who dismiss our instincts as parents. Sarah listens and cares. She truly desires WELL BEING and not just another bandaid over symptoms. Seeing Sarah has changed everything for us, especially Layla. Through a PERSONAL nutrition protocol (all of us now!), our family is achieving good HEALTH. We have a full and super blessed life! Feeling our absolute best is worth our time and energy!” – Layla W.
Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN is the Owner Lead Practitioner & Director of Natural Health Improvement Center of South Jersey and Natural Health Improvement Center of Des Moines. She holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition from New York Chiropractic College, and has earned professional certificates as a Health Coach, Clinical Herbalist, and Advanced Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner. She is the author and publisher of the Real Food Outlaws blog, where she writes about real food, natural living, and holistic health.
“My mission and purpose is to help get sick people well without the use of drugs or surgery and to teach other practitioners to do the same,” owner Sarah Outlaw, MH, MSACN said.
The new Des Moines location will be 403 SW 8th St. Des Moines, Iowa 50309, replacing the current location at 3839 Merle Hay Rd. Suite 227 Des Moines, IA 50310.
The New Jersey location is a large 4000 square-foot space, that is excited to add new modalities and services to its repertoire; this address is 1020 Kings Hwy. N Suite 110 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034.
For more information on either of the Natural Health Improvement Centers in either Iowa or New Jersey, email info@nhicdesmoines.com or info@nhicsouthjersey.com.
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